↳ thirteen.

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THE ANNOYINGLY PROLONGED BEEPING of an unknown machine was what finally brought Kailani back into consciousness. As she came to, the beeping began to feel as though it was drilling into her skull, and she groaned loudly. Her eyes fluttered open, and she was surprised to see that, although blurry, her vision was slowly coming back. She stared around her with wide eyes, struggling to make out her surroundings. She could see the small figure of someone leaning over a desk not too far away. They wore a white lab coat, and Kailani couldn't help but fear that she was back with Talon.

She began to panic as she looked around her. Everything felt so strange, so foreign, and with each passing second she felt as though the walls were closing in on her. She opened her mouth to speak, though no words came out. Her vision began to spin and she felt herself fall back down on the bed. She squeezed her eyes shut, silently praying for the end to come.


The voice sounded strangely familiar, though it sounded as if it was miles away, so she was unable to make out who it belonged to. She opened her eyes once more, and through her blurred vision she could see someone standing above her. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and it was suddenly like she was pulled back into reality. She sucked in a deep breath, her vision clearing, and she recognized the sweet face of Dr. Zielger only inches from her own.

"Oh!" She stepped back upon noticing that Kailani was awake. The doctor smiled down at her softly. "You're awake."

"Where am I?" Kailani's head still spun as she looked around her. She vaguely recognized the medbay on the Overwatch base, though she was scared to trust her own eyes.

"You're back home, dear," Dr. Ziegler said in her ear.

"How long was I out?" Kailani questioned with a groan. She began to remember more and more with each second that passed. She remembered the face of Santiago sneering down at her, the team of scientists that surrounded her and experimented on her as though she was some sort of lab rat. And she remembered Genji rushing in just after Santiago left her cowering in a room; she remembered the fear in his eyes as he saw her strapped to that chair, the softness of his touch as he pulled her into his arms.

"A little over a day." Dr. Ziegler's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "Your body had a lot of things to work out." The doctor then handed Kailani a little mirror. She took it, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and held it up in front of her. Kailani's eyes widened as she gazed at the reflection that stared back at her. Her skin was paler than normal, perhaps due to the fact that she had been locked in darkness for days, and her cheeks were slightly sunken in. Black and blue bruises were scattered over her face- though that wasn't what surprised her the most. As she looked up at her eyes, she was met only by glowing orange irises that took the place of her warm brown eyes.

Kailani blinked, watching as the orange glow rippled a bit as she did so. She barely recognized the face that stared back at her, though the longer she looked in the mirror, the more she grew to like it. "Whoa," she finally breathed with a small smile. "That's badass."

Angela laughed lightly, a sound that was like music to her ears. "We are not exactly sure what the purpose of them are, nor do we know what will happen to the rest of your body as a result of the serum." The doctor gestured down towards her arms. Kailani looked down, her eyes widening as she noticed her veins were glowing the same shade of orange as her eyes.

"You will meet with Moira about this when you are on your feet again," Dr. Ziegler continued, and Kailani nodded slowly in response. Her heart was pounding against her skull, her eyes burning ever so slightly, and she suddenly wanted nothing more than to curl up in her bed and sleep. All the information that was suddenly being thrown at her was extremely overwhelming.

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