vii. loyalty

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"YOU WANT TO TRANSFER to Overwatch?"

    Genji scowled slightly under his mask towards the tone of utter disbelief behind Command Morrison's words. Dr. Ziegler stood beside him, a comforting hand draped over his organic shoulder, holding a drawing of an upgraded cybernetic suit that Torbjorn had designed in her other hand. The Commander looked between them slowly, and Genji hated that he was unable to tell what he was thinking.


It took Genji a moment to realize that Morrison had spoken, for it had been so quiet that it was barely above a whisper. He shrugged, frowning. "Blackwatch is done. Reyes does not bother leading anymore. There is no point for me to stay."

And because Kailani is here, he added to himself, though he knew better than to admit that out loud, especially to the Strike Commander.

Morrison hummed, running a hand over the graying stubble that was growing on his chin. "Where do your loyalties lie, Genji?" He asked.

"What?" Genji's eyes narrowed accusingly. Even Dr. Ziegler, who had stayed silent this entire time, seemed surprised by the sudden question. "I am loyal to Overwatch."

Commander Morrison seemed to notice the shakiness behind his words, and he held up his hands in surrender. "I'm only asking because you've always been a... free spirit, Genji. I'm surprised you've stayed with us this long, honestly," he explained with a shrug. He grabbed a pen, hovering over a blank sheet of paper that would begin the process of Genji's transfer. "I need to know that I am able to trust you before I put you on my team."

The subtle feeling of Dr. Ziegler's hand rubbing his shoulder was the only thing keeping Genji calm at that moment. He swallowed the anger towards the Commander's distrust in him, nodding once. "You can trust me, Commander," he said stiffly.

Commander Morrison nodded once, pleased. He then gestured towards Dr. Ziegler, who then handed him the piece of paper that had remained clutched in her hands the entire time. He studied it closely, scratching his chin as though deep in thought. "You wish for... full cybernetics?"

"No," Genji responded immediately, shifting uncomfortably under the Commander's curious gaze.

"It is just armor," Dr. Ziegler explained.

"Hm," Morrison hummed as he handed the piece of paper back to the doctor. "Very well. Get started right away. I will begin transferring you over in the system."

Genji stood to his feet and followed Dr. Ziegler out of the office. He did his best to ignore the pounding of his heart, the shakiness of his breath, and the artificial whirring of his cybernetic suit that suddenly seemed louder than a jet engine. He was getting what he wanted, and yet he felt as though he was being brought to the lab against his will. Were the upgrades to his cybernetic suit really necessary, or was he just letting go of the last parts of him that remained human?

    Kailani's shoulders heaved as she wiped a bead of sweat off her brow. Lena stood in front of her, seemingly unaffected by the fact that they had just spent the past ten minutes sparring one another. The British girl cheered triumphantly as Kailani collapsed onto the ground and waved her hands in surrender.

    "You're getting slow in your old age!" Lucas called from his position on the sidelines. He sat with Mia, who laughed lightly at his comment, and had been watching the sparring session in amusement.

    Kailani shot a good-humored glare in his direction, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. The apprentice has beaten the master," she grumbled as Lena helped her to her feet. She had always thought Genji was fast, but Lena was a whole different story. Because of her chronal accelerator, it was nearly impossible to predict her movements, making it difficult to even begin to keep up with her in battle.

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