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Summer's outfit                                               

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Summer's outfit

Summer arrived at the bullpen right on time, she was in a frazzle this morning thinking she was going to be late she's been getting to work on time perfectly for a month now and didn't want to risk being late even once but she made it stepping into the bullpen she put her bag down at her desk. Bryan comes out of the round table room to let everyone know that we have a case. The team quickly make their way into the room and close the door, Summer sat down between Chase and Spencer and Garcia began "Alright crime fighters you are off to New York City there's been 5 women raped and murdered in the city over the last month NYPD thought they had a lead which fell through so now they have invited you all into assist on catching this unsub if you look to your tablets you'll see some not so nice pictures of the victims the 5th murder happened last night" Summer looked to her tablet to see 5 women bound at the wrist multiple stab wounds and a single gunshot wound to the head.

"Some serious over kill" JJ states as she flicks through the pictures on her tablet everyone nods in sync. "By the looks of the victims, the must have put up a fight to be restrained like this" Rossi says "Maybe too much of a fight which would explain the over kill, maybe it was too much for the unsub to handle" Summer says looking up from her tablet. Emily stands "Wheels up in 20" they all follow out of the room to retrieve their go bags and head to the jet except for Garcia and Bryan they wave their fellow team members off and return to the Bat Cave.

The team were all set up on the jet Tara, Emily and Rossi were talking about the case, JJ, Luke and Chase were discussing what they'd rather be doing right now Summer sat down at a window seat and started to daze out the window soon pulling her out of that daze was Spencer handing her a coffee "Are you ok?" he asked "Thanks, yeah I am fine just thinking about these women and what they must have gone through" she looked down at her coffee avoiding eye contact with Spencer "It's always hard trying to put yourself in the victims shoes but sometimes it gives you a better perspective when it comes to profiling the unsub" Summer smiled softly she was about to say something to Spencer but Emily interrupted with allocations.

"JJ and chase you two will go to the M.E to look over the first 4 victims, Luke and Tara you'll visit the families of the first two victims Spencer and Summer you'll go to the precinct and meet the two lead detectives as well as start a geographical profile and Dave you and i will attend the last crime scene" Emily sat down to continue going over the files. Everyone got off the jet and headed the the SUVs and drove out to start working the case, Spencer and Summer arrived at the precinct they walked into find two men at the doors of what looked like a meeting room "Ah you two must be the FBI" they both nodded "Yes I am Dr Spencer Reid and this is SSA Summer Flint we are with the Behavioural Analysis Unit" Spencer dodged the mans hand who was about to shake his this man turned to Summer "Wow where I am from they don't make law enforcement this pretty" Summer looked at Spencer then to the hand that was in front of her "It's nice to meet you and you are?" she shook his hand and then slowly wiped it on her pants "I am detective Wyatt the lead on this case and this is my partner detective Longly" the second man smiled politely at the two agents in front of him.

"We have you set up in here, let me know if there's anything you need especially you my pretty little lady" He looked at Summer up and down in a very unprofessional way like he was undressing her in his mind Spencer came in between the both of them "Yeah.. thanks we will let you know when we have something" he said basically pushing detective Wyatt out of the room and closing the door. "Wow that guy was a bit um forward" he said staring at Summer trying to make out if she was ok or not "Yeah it's not the first time that's happened to me" she said whilst sticking the pictures of the victim on the board "I have had a lot of officers try to shoot their shot with me, but I am just completely not interested after Cas.." Summer quickly stopped herself from finishing that name, Cassie was Summer's girlfriend of 3 years they got together when she was 23 and broke up when she was 26 in a not so pleasant way Cassie was everything to Summer she loved her like nothing else in this world but Cassie could never make those feelings mutual and if she did it was only a short amount of time before she was doing the next thing to crush Summer into a million pieces.

"Summer you stopped yourself from saying something, do you care to share?" Spencer says organising his map to start the geographical profile. Summer turned around watching Spencer he looked up their eyes met "Oh it's nothing I just dated a girl once for a long time and it just ruined me nothing too crazy" Summer chuckled trying to brush of the fact that it was actually that crazy "Oh I didn't realise you were.." Summer sat down "I am bisexual Spence I have been with guys too it's just she really was something to me but I guess I wasn't that something to her" Spencer walked over to the second board and started to pin up his map "If it helps I loved a girl once too, she was killed right in front of me it ruined me also" Summer's mouth dropped open realising her little relationship ending was nothing to extent of watching someone you love die "I am so sorry Spencer, what was her name? If you don't mind me asking" Spencer turned and smiled softly at Summer "Not at all Summer, her name was maeve and what was her name Summer, if you don't mind me asking" Summer looked at him took a deep breathe "Cassie" she said bluntly.

The two were interrupted by JJ and Chase entering the room "Did you guys find anything?" Summer asked "Just that the gunshot was done after the victims were already dead" Summer opened the file on her tablet again "So what pushed him to shoot someone that was already dead" she said softly more like thinking out loud. The rest of the team returned and gathered in the room it was getting late and they were getting nowhere Emily called it a night then they all went to the hotel.

Everyone returned to their booked rooms Summer has just got out of the shower and brushed her teeth, Summer wasn't the one to sleep in many clothes she had on a silk two piece cami with mini shorts it was a deep purple colour. Summer heard a knock at the door she quickly threw on the hotel robe not thinking of tying it up she went to the door and opened it "Spencer? Are you ok? Do we have a lead or something?" Summer stood in the doorway staring at the man in front of her who was just staring at her in awe of just how stunning she was "Ah..um no do you mind if I come in?" Summer stood aside motioning him to enter her room closing the door behind him she went and sat on her bed "So what's going on?" he turned around and looked at her "Nothing important, just wanting to continue our conversation from earlier today you know about Cassie" Summer looked to the floor that name being said out loud sent shivers down her spine.

hey everyone, hope you're all enjoying the story so far. More to come..x

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