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Summer's outfit

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Summer's outfit

"Did you leave you gun here on purpose?" Emily asked Spencer "Well..yeah. I did. I agreed with her theory and turns out she was right. Look she was going to go anyway at least now Bryan has a some form of protection" Spencer said. "That was not your call to make I stood her down" Emily said. "Let's focus on that fact that we have two agents that could potentially be in danger" Chase said. "Bryan has no experience in the field or even with a gun" Tara said. "Don't worry about Bryan, he will be safe with Summer I can promise you all that" Luke said. "And if something happens to Summer?" JJ said "Well then we are going to want to hope Bryan knows how to shoot that gun" Rossi said. "I've got them!" Garcia said "They are heading to a cabin near Lower Howard's Creek, and boy oh boy they are moving fast" Garcia said her not so usual serious tone. "We need to leave now" Emily ordered.

Bryan and Summer

"Shit! Summer you are going so fast!" Bryan said nervously. "Hold on Bryan" Summer said making a sharp turn. They arrive at the cabin, both getting out of the car guns ready "Stay behind me" Summer whispered. She opened the door softly making their way in, they could hear shuffling in the bedroom Bryan opened the door and there was the unsub standing over an unconscious Brianna. "Craig Collen we are the FBI drop your weapon and put your hands up" Summer said. "No no no no this is all wrong you're not supposed to be here" Craig said frantically. "We are here for Brianna, she needs to wake up" Summer said, Bryan staring at Summer then back at Craig. "No i set off all those bombs to distract the world from Brianna and I we need a happily ever after, I made her sleep because she looks so beautiful sleeping, don't you think?" Craig said his voice was shaking. Bryan unknowingly took a step forward, this triggered Craig all of a sudden the sound of two gunshots were fired one from Summer's gun making a head shot on Craig and one from Craig's gun which hit Bryan but luckily his vest caught it the impact of the gunshot knocked Bryan to the ground.

"Hey hey, you're ok the vest caught it. That will leave a nice bruise for ya" Summer said crouching down and immediately hugging Bryan. Bryan returned the hug "Summer he would have killed me, you saved my life" Bryan said "Luke was right, when you shoot you don't miss" he chuckled. They heard murmurs quickly realising their victim Brianna was waking up, she woke up in immediate panic gasping for air "Brianna, brianna it's ok we are from the FBI, I am Summer and this is my friend Bryan" Summer said untying her restraints and helping her sit up "You're safe now, agent Summer here made sure of that" Bryan said helping Brianna to her feet.

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They both supported Brianna to walk out of the cabin, they were met by the team pulling in and the medics. They handed Brianna to the medics "Hey can you please take a look over this agent he was shot the vest caught the bullet but just to be sure" Summer asked smiling at Bryan as he mouthed thank you. She turned to see Emily making her way over towards her and at that point she knew she was in for it. Emily grabbed her by putting a hand on either side of her cheeks "Summer Louise Flint, don't you ever do that to me again. Are you ok? How's Bryan? Where's Craig?" Emily's voice was shakey she was becoming teary. "I am fine, Bryan was shot his vest caught the bullet and I shot Craig in the head before he could shoot Bryan again" Summer grabbing Emily's arm. Emily pulled her into a hug "I am proud of you Summer, please don't forget it" Emily said "I wouldn't be the agent I am today without my amazing mentor" Summer said they both laughed "Now if you would excuse me, I have something that belongs to Spencer" Summer said pulling his gun out from the back of her pants.

She walked over to Spencer who was checking on Bryan he noticed Summer making her way over and quickly walked towards her. "Hey" Spencer said smiling at Summer "Hey, you" Summer said smiling back "I believe this belongs to you" Summer said handing Spencer back his gun. "Yeah I didn't know another way to let you know that I agreed with you but that I also wanted to keep you safe" he said taking his gun and holstering it. "Well it worked, thank you" Summer said putting he hands into her pockets "Hey Summer, do you maybe want to come back to my apartment tonight? I think there's a conversation we need to have" Spencer asked nervously "Yes I would really like that" Summer said.

They returned to the BAU with their agents safe and their victim alive with minor injuries, they considered this a win no matter how it played out. They were a family, dysfunctional at times but still, a family.

See you soon x

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