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Summer's outfits

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Summer's outfits

The day moved on Summer's day however was ruined, she was in a bad mood and it was hanging around to stay. "Who the fuck does she think she is?" Summer yelled at Bryan who has at his desk in the bat cave "Summer calm down she's just trying to get a rise out of you and it's working" Bryan said in a calming voice "Grown up job?? What does she think I am 10 I was the youngest Interpol agent ever" Summer continue yelling "She obviously is insecure, if I were her and saw the way Spencer looked at you whilst trying to get with Spencer I would be insecure as well" Bryan said grabbing Summer's hand "Spencer is clearly not interest in me if he is having lunch with her" Summer said rolling her eyes "I think if he didn't have lunch with her she'd kidnap him" Bryan said chuckling "Now Summer you need to go eat something before you fade away" Bryan said motioning her to get lunch "Ok well I will see you later?" Sumner said with a wave. "Of course" Bryan said waving back.

Summer made her way to the break room, opening the door she sees a terrible sight. Spencer and Heather eating lunch together why do they have to do this here she thought to herself. She made her way to the refrigerator when they both noticed her Spencer's face dropped as if he was ashamed of what he was doing however Heather she leant in closer to Spencer giggling at him even going as far as touching his curly locks. Summer was thankful she only brought greek yogurt and berries so she could get the hell out of there. She made it to the door and all of a sudden she heard that voice "Summer don't be rude come say hi to Spencer and I" Heather said with that bitchy tone she has seemed to have taken up with Summer. Summer took a deep breath in and turned around "Hi guys" Summer said with the fakest smile she could possibly force, Spencer looking at her with a sorry look on his face.

"Why don't you come eat lunch with us Summer" Heather asked Summer looked up at her "No really it's fine, I see enough of Spencer on the job anyway and I don't want to ruin this precious time you both have together and besides I have a lot of things to do in my big grown up job" Summer said with a slight chuckle she knew exactly what she was doing and it was making Heather furious "Come on Summer don't be like that. Are you jealous?" Heather asked "Of what?" Summer and Spencer both said in sync. "Come on don't be silly guys, you don't need to be a profiler to see there was something going on between you guys that I have come along and messed up" Heather said "If there was something going on Heather why is Spencer eating lunch with you while I just stand here?" Summer said becoming slightly frustrated. "Wow Summer your looks deceive you, you're not only pretty but you're smart too, my mistake. Do you have any restaurants you could suggest for us? We are going out on Friday night" She said whilst pulling this evil smile. Summer's face dropped immediately, she was so hurt, she thought her and Spencer were getting somewhere but it looks like she was wrong again.

"Nope, I have no restaurants to suggest, the only time I went out with Spencer we ended up back at his apartment, guess you could say we weren't that hungry, anyway enjoy your lunch" Summer said with a smile as she walked out of the break room. Spencer's jaw practically hitting the floor after what Summer had just said. "What did she mean by that Spencer?" Heather asked looking very annoyed "Ah we went out with the team once and she stayed the night at my house? She was too drunk to go home" Spencer said knowing very well he was lying to her. "Have you and Summer slept together?" Heather asked. "It's none of your business Heather" Spencer said furrowing his brow. "You're right we are just getting to know each other sorry" She said putting her hand on Spencer's. "All good, I have got to go" he said pulling his hand back. "Ok I will see you on Friday" she said smiling "Yeah I will see you then" he said walking out of the break room.

Spencer made his way back to the bullpen and to Summer's desk she was talking to Luke but he approached her anyway "Hey Summer, can we talk?" he asked, she looked at Luke then looked up at Spencer "Yeah sure, I guess" she said she got up following him back out the glass doors. "What's up?" she asked "What's up? You have been ignoring me since dinner at Rossi's you tell me what's up?" he said obviously annoyed. "Spencer you told me you liked me we had sex twice and now you're dating another girl, yeah I am a bit pissed off" she said folding her arms "But we aren't official or anything so why can't I see another girl?" he said folding his arms "It would be nice to have a heads up that this is how you want this to be rather then have me thinking that it's going to lead to something more, we were talking about telling the team like why have these conversations if you have other girls on your radar" she asked slightly raising her voice "You know what Summer let's just not worry about it anymore pretend like it didn't happen you and i obviously have different ideas" he said.

"All you had to do Spencer was talk to me tell me what you actually wanted instead of leading me on but you know what if you want to leave then go ahead and fucking leave I am not going to stop you"She said tears were filling her eyes threatening to spill, Spencer took a step back looked at her and then walked back through the doors and sat at his desk. Summer was so hurt, she took a deep breath and walked back through the doors and sat back down at her desk, and put her head down and raced to start finishing her work. It was towards the end of the day, Chase could see Summer had been off all day and thought she could use a drink after the run ins with Heather. "Hey Summer, are you almost done?" he asked approaching her desk. The bullpen was empty besides Summer, Spencer and Chase. "Yeah I am just finishing off now, why's that?" she asked closing the file. "Do you wanna go get a drink? You look like you could use it." He said Spencer turned around looked at the both of them and then turned back to his file. "Yeah sure that would great, but you're buying" She laughed. She grabbed the rest of her things and headed out with Chase not even saying goodbye to Spencer.

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