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Summer's Outfit

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Summer's Outfit

Summer woke up, she smiled remembering Spencer was asleep next to her. She went to roll over and it hit her one whole side of her body was in so much pain she winced tears forming in her eyes she tried to hide her slight distress "Summer, are you ok?" Spencer shot up out of his slumber "Don't move I will find you some painkillers" he leaped out of bed quickly stopping in his tracks realising he was still naked from last nights activities with a smile and a slight blush he was pulling on some sweats from his go bag and making his way to the medicine cabinet in her kitchen. He brought back some painkillers and a glass of water "Here take these" he said handing her the pills and the water, she smiled taking them "Thanks Spencer, you don't have to look after me though, go enjoy these days off" she said moving herself up the bed to a sitting position "I want to spend the days off with you Summer, we don't get time like this often..I mean only if you want to?" he said nervously thinking to himself maybe she wants me to leave Summer quickly pulled him out of his thoughts "Of course I want to, let's go out for breakfast?" she said with a smile. Spencer looked at her with slight worry "A..are you sure you want to go out? I mean you are in so much pain I don't want you to be uncomfortable all day" he said, she smiled "I can't stay in this apartment all day, let's go out! Once the painkillers kick in I will be totally fine" she chuckled.

Summer got up out of bed, she was completely naked and walked to the bathroom Spencer was watching her, consumed by how beautiful this woman really was his thoughts quickly turned dark when he saw all the bruising on her side a small set of tears formed in his eyes so angry that he didn't get there fast enough but he promised himself no one would ever do that to her again. Summer popped her head out of the bathroom the shower was running heating up "Would you like to join me?" she said cheekily grinning at Spencer, he wasted absolutely no time getting up and beelining it to the bathroom "Yeah of course I do". They finished up in the shower and both got ready for the day pulling on her white converses her pain was there but she wasn't about to let it ruin her day with Spencer. She quickly checked her phone, there was a message in the BAU group chat.

Rossi -
Hello everyone, you're all invited to my house for dinner tonight. I thought we could use it after the last case. Summer and Chase I hope you're both doing well.

JJ -
I will be there is 7 ok?

Rossi -
7 is great!

Emily -
Awesome see you all there

Luke -
Can't wait guys, sounds great!

Tara -
I am in!

Chase -
See you all there. Doing better Rossi thanks.

Bryan -
Sounds amazing!

Spencer -
I'm in!

Penelope -
Wouldn't miss it for the world my beautiful people

Summer -
Can't wait guys! I am a little sore but I am managing.

"So dinner at Rossi's" Spencer said grabbing his keys and coat Summer looking at him a tad concerned knowing where this conversation was going "Yeah, I mean we don't have to say anything to the team, I mean we don't even know what's going on with us right now" she said jumping right into the the topic of them to save Spencer fumbling around trying
to get to the point "It's not that I don't want people to know, I mean I think it's pretty obvious from the last case but I like that it's something that we just know about for now and I mean you're right if we don't know what's going on how can we explain it to anyone else" he reached out for her hand she looked up at him and took his hand "Until we know I guess this just stay's in between us" she sighed. "Let's go, I know a lovely spot we can go to" she said.

They arrive at the cafe, finding a seat the waitress came over "Hey can I get you anything?" starring directly at Spencer not even acknowledging Summer's presence "Yeah I will take a coffee please and could you bring some sugar on the the side and this lovely lady will have a iced coffee" he said knowing exactly what he was doing, Summer giggled a little the waitress walked away. "How are you feeling?" he asked starring at Summer intently "Yeah I won't lie, I am in a bit of pain but I am ok I am happy to be here" she said "Summer you should have told me we can leave and go back to your place you'll be more comfortable there" he said with a worried look "Spence are you hearing me? I am ok" she giggled, he smiled the waitress returned with their coffees "Would you like anything to eat?" She asked, "Yes please we will both take the breakfast waffles" Summer said handing back the menus.

They got their food and ate, engaging in more and more conversations with each other, both of them loved the company of the other. It was always so easy for them, to talk, to just be together nothing was ever forced and that's the way it always should be. They made their way back to Summer's apartment they still had a fair bit of time before they were due at Rossi's "Hey Summer you should get some rest before tonight" Spencer said sitting on the lounge "Yeah I was thinking the same" Summer said getting a book off of her shelf and sitting down next to Spencer handing it to him "Can you read to me please?" Spencer smiled "Of course my mother used to do this for me when I was a kid" he chuckled, she placed her head on his chest and began listening to his calm voice so beautiful he made it half way through the chapter and she had fallen asleep.

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