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Summers outfit

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Summers outfit

Summer made her way into the bullpen, saying hello to JJ, Tara and Luke putting down her bag and making her way to the bat cave before Bryan could send another text. Passing Emily, Chase and Rossi in the hall smiling and saying good morning Chase gave her a cheeky wink and she kept walking she opened the door to the bat cave and there sat Bryan looking as fresh and as glowy as ever. "Hey Sum" he said raising his eyebrows twice and smirking "Hey Bryan, what's going on?" She said looking at him trying to figure out his next question "So you had dinner with Reid?" he asked, she looked at him and smiled "Yes I did and it was I don't know, really nice" she said sitting down in Penelope's chair "Then you went to bed in his bed?" he asked she looked at him with slight confusion then realising he has already spoken to Chase "So you spoke to Chase I see" Summer chuckled "Of course I did Summer oh my god how did this happen? And what's the Doctor like when you know he isn't being boy wonder of the BAU?".

Summer looked up at him "He is...amazing" she said "Nothing happened, I just fell asleep on the lounge and he moved me to his bed and then slept on the lounge" Bryan's eyes widened "He carried you to bed?" Summer looked at him confused "Summer you and Chase are friends and he would never carry you to bed he would have just left you to sleep on the lounge" Summer nodded agreeing sort of, it is true Chase would never give up his bed for Summer because they were just friends and then it hit her in the face oh my god what if he feels it too she thought to herself "Summer I have seen the way Reid stares at you, it's like you put the stars in the sky and he has been looking at you that way since you walked through the doors of the round table room" said Bryan, Summer shook her head "We are only friends Bryan, that's all" Bryan looked right at Summer and said "Friends don't look at friends that way" Summer was about to say something but Garcia burst through the doors.

"Good morning my sparkly friends" she said with a huge smile "Good morning Penelope" Summer smiled and waved "Hey Garcia" Bryan said with a wave and a smile. "Well I better leave you two teachy's to it, I am sure I have a mountain of paperwork to attend too" Summer said leaving the bat cave and making her way back to the bull pen. Summer noticed Reid was at his desk working away, JJ was working just as hard also opposite him, his eyes flicked up and met with hers they both bit their lip and blushed in sync. Summer sat down at her desk taking the first file from the pile and opening it letting out a sigh "Summer" she looked across at her desk mate "Yes Luke" she raised her eyes to meet his "Do you remember Jake from our 3rd assignment?" Summer racked her brain trying to think of the face for that name "Yeah, the partner of the guy we put away?" she said "Yeah him, I got a notification today that he wants to testify to gain parole" he said with a sigh, Summer chuckled at the thought of this criminal thinking he had a chance "Really? Good luck to him" they both chuckled again and went back to their paperwork.

Hours had past and brain fog began to fill Summer's head she got up and walked over to the coffee pot and started making herself a coffee. She was soon joined by Spencer "Hey Summer" she turned to him "Hey Spencer, how's it going?" she said taking a sip of her coffee "Yeah good thanks, I think everyone's talking about going for drinks after work today, I was wondering if you were going to come?" he said taking a sip of his freshly made coffee "Yeah that would be fun, I guess I will catch up with you then?" she said looking at him "Yeah I guess you will" he smiled.

It was the end of the day and everyone was making their way to the elevator "So is everyone in for drinks tonight?" Tara said pressing the elevator button "Yes let's meet at 7 and markers downtown?" Chase said. Everyone agreed except Rossi who had already made plans with Crystal. Summer made it to her car and got in and drove to her apartment. She flung open the door and beeline it to the shower she made sure to exfoliate and shave everywhere because well you never know she washed her hair and then hopped out moisturising her skin making it so soft. She sat on her bed thinking of what to wear usually she wouldn't put much effort in for just drinks with the team but she's trying to acknowledge her feelings that are developing for Reid and she wants to impress him.

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