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Summer's Outfit

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Summer's Outfit

Cassie wasn't hard to find, Garcia and Bryan were able to trace her within minutes of Summer's realisation. Her location on the other hand was very out of character, it was an old abandoned bar just out of DC. "You wait here, I will go in and check first" Spencer said pushing Summer back lightly with his hand "Spence you shouldn't go alone she is unpredictable" Summer said grabbing the very hand that pushed her "I don't care, I can't have hurt you not again" Spencer said Summer know there was no point in arguing so she nodded and watched Spencer make his way in.

Luke and Emily waited in one SUV JJ and Rossi in the other they were back up and won't hesitate to barge in if needed. Summer was growing more anxious by the minute all of a sudden she heard "ARGH!..Summer!" it was Spencer which could only mean Cassie has blind sided him Summer rushes in making her way up the stairs she has her gun pulled and ready she steps in the room to see Spencer on the ground propping himself up with his elbows and Cassie standing over him with a gun pointed at his head.

"Summer my love" Cassie said in a sickening tone "Did you see everything I did? ..I did it for you" she said again not taking her eyes off of Spencer. "For me?" Summer said with her eyes glued to the trigger of the gun Cassie had pinned on Spencer "Yes my darling.. gosh she's always been a bit slow" Cassie said rolling her eyes and chuckling "How was killing all those innocent women for me?" Summer asked knowing she does not have a lot of time here to chit chat with the psychopath "Because you have forgotten all about me since twinkle toes over here came along so I needed to get your attention somehow and this was the best way" Cassie said with a slight bit of anger in her tone.

"You could have called or anything now you'll be in prison for life" Summer said her voice was shakey she had never stood up to Cassie or questioned anything she ever did she just accepted whatever bullshit she was saying which was usually putting Summer at fault and took her back "If I called you wouldn't have answered, I have been able to worm my way back into your life everytime but that day I came to the BAU and you didn't chase me after I left I knew that I had lost you and to who the weasel brain?" Cassie said spitting out these words "Leave him out of it Cassie, put down the gun and we can talk about it" Summer said her voice taking a more stern tone.

"Cassie listen to her, she can get you out of this if you just put the gun down" Spencer said calmly "You shut the fuck up now before I blow your pretty little brains out" Cassie spat again eyes widening with every word Summer had seen her in some states but man oh man nothing like this before she has actually lost it. "What is it Sum? Huh? You love me don't you? Or do you not love me? You can't not love me you always love me right?" Cassie said her voice shaking with anger "Cassie my love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me" Summer said anxiously she actually couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth but she's right Cassie ruined the love Summer had for her and now Summer loves someone else.

"I ruined it? I never did anything but pick your sorry ass up out of the gutter and made you who you are today Summer Flint" Cassie said "You didn't do anything, I pulled my self out of the gutter I did that" Summer yelled back at her "Well you're about to be right back in that gutter because I am going to kill your boy toy right here right now" Cassie said "You love him now say goodbye Summer you don't have it in you to do anything abou..." before she could finish her sentence Summer had pulled her trigger a bullet flew right out of her gun and lodge itself into Cassie's head she dropped instantly to the floor.

Summer's eyes widened her mouth dropped open she couldn't believe what she had just did Spencer looked up at her in relief she had just saved his life. Summer is in so much shock she doesn't even notice Luke walk up next to her "Summer pass me the gun" Luke said softly and she did "I-i-i thought she was going to" Summer said stuttering "She was, Summer you saved my life" Spencer said getting up off the floor he walked over to Summer and pulled her into the tightest hug. Summer stayed there for a minute then pulled away she couldn't stop staring at Cassie's lifeless body.

There's so much history there and Summer ended it without even thinking, she's now officially free of Cassie and that's a huge shock to Summer's system. Summer eventually left the room walked down the stairs out of the bar and walked past the rest of the team and got into the SVU they brought out the body bag and Rossi drove away. They returned back to BAU and Summer had still not said a word to anyone and no one attempted to say anything to her either they understood she was in massive shock.

"Hey Summer, do you wanna come back to my place? I don't think you should be alone tonight" Spencer said packing his things up from his desk "No I think I need to be alone right now" Summer said "But thanks anyway" she said with a make shift smile and before he could say anything she had already turned and walked out those big glass doors.

A/N: Hey guys! I am so sorry it's been awhile. I chucked in a sneaky lyric in this chapter let me know if you spot it! Anyway see you soon xx

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