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Summer's outfit

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Summer's outfit

Nathan pulled the trigger Summer didn't even flinch she stared him down she was not going to give him the satisfaction of her being scared of him even though she was about to internally combust from fear of losing her life and the team losing their's because of her everyone let out a small sigh of relief Spencer let go of his breath he was holding with tears to follow he had been preparing to witness Summer's death right then and there. All of a sudden Summer grabbed the dagger from her boot and stabbed Nathan in the ankle "AHHH YOU BITCH!!!" Summers got up only making it half way across the room before he grabbed her again the dagger still lodged in his ankle he turned her around slapping her so hard across the face she swore he slapped her head off her body, pushing her to the ground so she was on her back propping herself up by her elbows ashe was clearly in a lot of pain he knelt down over her, her body in between his legs "I am going to have some fun with you in front out your team now you hear me?" Summer attempted moving he slapped her again "Stop fighting me bitch I will have my way with you" he said "STOP PLEASE I SWEAR TO GOD" Spencer yelled "It's too late Doctor she's mine now" Nathan said licking his lips.

He reached for his belt and Summer closed her eyes knowing there was nothing else she could do but accept her fate right now, all of a sudden she heard a gun shot and felt Nathan's body fall on top of her immediately pushing him off her in disgust she looked up and saw Bryan standing in the door in absolute shock at having just killed someone for the first time she got up put her hands up to show him she was unarmed. Summer knew this sort of shock can make someone snap and start shooting uncontrollably "Bryan, Bryan.. It's me Summer, it's over now, give me the gun, I am safe..everyone is safe" She said calmly Bryan looked at her with a panicked look on his face "He..H-he was going to.." Bryan mumbled still with adrenaline pumping through his veins "It's ok he didn't.. Bryan it's ok now please give me the gun" Summer said holding her hand out to take the gun he gave the gun to her still shaking she put it in her holster and he pulled her into the biggest tightest hug they were both crying "Bryan you saved my life, thank you, thank you so much" Summer said.

"I brought 2 pairs of scissors let's get these guys free" Bryan said handing Summer a pair of scissors, they immediately starting cutting the team free. Summer got to Spencer cutting his wrists free, noticing the damage he had done to himself "Spencer you're hurt.." She could barely finish the sentence before Spencer's lips came crashing onto hers he didn't care who was watching he just wanted to feel her again to make sure it was real he pulled her into a hug "Summer I am so sorry" he started crying sobbing into her shoulder "I couldn't save you..I-i wanted to but.." he sobbed this made Summer teary "Spence don't you dare apologise there was nothing you could have done, I couldn't even save myself in the end. I am safe now, we all are and that's all that matters" she said wiping the tears that streamed down his face. She helped him stand only to be rushed by none other then Emily Prentiss "Summer I am so sorry" She said wrapping her arms so tightly around Summer then came Luke like a proud big brother "I am so proud of you Summer" he said lifting her up into a hug.

The team made it outside Bryan had called for back up and medics before he came inside, they were all there waiting including Linda Barnes and the director himself "I am glad the BAU is safe with minimal injuries.. but as for you three" Linda turned standing in front of Chase, Summer and Bryan giving them the look from hell "Mamm.. I" Emily said standing in between them before being cut off by the director "Agent Prentiss there's no need to protect your young agents from us please step aside" he said firmly as Emily complied standing back with the rest of the team "To say we are absolutely disgusted and disappointed in you three for knowingly disobeying my direct order in a gross understatement" Linda said with a furious tone it's like you could see the steam coming out of her ears "You did manage to rescue your entire team alive and with minimal injuries that is something not even I could take away from you, all three of you should be proud of your efforts here today" she continued "The entire team will be put on a weeks leave to recover from this incident. Once that week is over the part of the team that was held hostage will be given another mandatory two weeks off" She said looking at the team then back to the three young agents "As for you three.." She paused this is it thought Summer the moment we all lose our jobs "How do you feel about running the BAU on your own for two weeks?" The three agents turned and looked at each in shock with the bullet they just dodged the three biggest smiles you could ever see landed on each of their faces "Do you think you can handle it?" She asked them "Of course we can" Summer said confidently as her eyes met with Spencer's who was smiling at her so proudly.

"Mamm. Are we able to assist them from home?" Emily asked "No, they have to do this themselves, just like they did today" Linda said "Understood" Emily replied quickly she had faith but wanted to be able to support them if they needed. Linda and the director left, "So you three survived Linda Barnes" Rossi said "Oh wait Rossi" Summer said going to the car and grabbing something out of it "I think we should return this" handing Rossi his cigar box "My office door better be the way I left it when I return agent Flint" he said with a chuckle the entire team started laughing. It was a great moment, for all.

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