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Summer's outfit

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Summer's outfit

It's was half past 4 Summer awoke from her nap she was laying in her bed this is not where i fell asleep she thought to herself. She rolled over to find a note, a glass of water and two painkillers on the bedside table she picked up the note and read

"Summer, I have gone back to my apartment to get ready for tonight you looked so peaceful sleeping so I moved you to your bed. I will see you at Rossi's. Spencer x"

She smiled at the note took her painkillers, and got up. She made her way over to the bathroom, got the shower started and hopped on in, she washed her hair, face and body. She got out and dried herself before going to her closet to find something to wear dinner at Rossi's was never fully fancy but never fully casual either. She picked out a black turtle neck and a red leopard print skirt and paired it with some black heeled boots, she did simple hair and make up.

The time was 6:30 so she made her way to the car and drove to Rossi's. When she was finally there she parked her car and made her way inside the team was all mingling "Hey Sum" Bryan said "How are you feeling?" he said pulling her into a hug "I am good now thanks Bryan and yourself? she smiled "I am good" he said. Summer noticed Chase looking at her, obviously still upset with the outcome of the last case she made her way over to him "Hey stranger" she said with a giggle "Hey Summer" he said he couldn't help but smile she was such a strong woman and he needed to let go of the feeling of failing her "Are you ok?" she asked "Yeah I am much better now, I am really sorry but I am accepting it wasn't my fault" he pulled her into a hug "That's right it wasn't and don't worry we will take them down together next time, I promise" she laughed stepping back from the hug they shared. "Summer" Luke called out to her holding a glass of red he was standing with Spencer and Emily, Spencer gave her a cheeky smile "This my dear, this is for you" holding up the glass for her to come and grab. "Why thank you" She smiled taking the glass from Luke.

They all made their way to the dining table and sat down Summer sat opposite Reid in between Chase and Bryan. They were all eating and drinking and then suddenly Tara starts speaking "Spencer I was doing a consultation with counter terrorism on Tuesday and the girl there, Heather, asked me to pass on her number to you, she'd like to get to know you, maybe go on a date?" she said, Summer's head shot up staring at Spencer for a response "Ah yeah, I guess that could be fun" Spencer said quickly glancing at Summer then the food in front of him. Summer instantly saw red, she was so mad, she knew they weren't ready to tell the team but why the hell would he say something like that in front of her? The feeling of anger was quickly replaced by hurt, she didn't understand what was going on and that frustrated her. Only Luke and Bryan knew about what was going on between Spencer and Summer and both were just as shocked as Summer to hear his response. "I am just going to excuse myself" Summer said her voice was shaky "No worries Summer" said Rossi.

As she left the table Spencer's eyes followed her until she was completely out of the room, Summer made her way to the bathroom. She stood at the sink looking at herself in the mirror thinking why does this always happen to me? why aren't i ever good enough? This is not the first time someone has chosen another over Summer. Cassie would do this regularly and for some reason Summer would always take her back, every, single, time. Summer continued looking at herself in the mirror and suddenly a small set of tears began to fall omg Summer pull it together you are not crying over Reid right now that just not acceptable look how far you've come There was a knock at the door "Sum, it's Bryan open the door please" he said whilst knocking. She wiped the tears from her eyes and opened the door "Hey Summer don't cry, you're too good for him, don't worry about it" he said bringing his hand up to her cheek "Why would he do this to me? Am i not good enough or something?" Summer said trying to keep it together "Summer you are the best! You could have whoever you wanted, you don't even have to try" he said with a smile. "I think I am going to go home" Summer said holding his forearm.

Summer and Bryan made their way out to the entertaining area where the team had congregated after dinner. Spencer tried to reach out and grab her arm but she brushed him off and kept on walking. "Hey guys, I am going to head off, I need to lay down again my pain is starting back up again" She said playing with her hands nervously which she knew was a mistake considering she was standing in front of a bunch of profilers. "Is everything ok Summer?" Emily asked looking at her with concern. "Yeah no of course just need to take some painkillers and lay down. It's been a lovely evening, thanks for having me Rossi" She said with a small wave and a forced smile, if anything Summer was transparent always it came naturally to her, you could tell exactly how Summer was feeling just by looking at her she could never hide feelings it was more a curse then a blessing but apart of her believed that feelings shouldn't be hidden because that's how people end up hurt. "Is Summer ok?" Reid asked approaching Bryan "What do you think?" Bryan replied rolling his eyes "Why did you do that to her?" He asked turning and facing Spencer folding his arms "What do you mean?" Spencer asked furrowing his eyebrows "She told me about you guys" Bryan said letting out a light chuckle "So why would you basically agree to getting another girls number in front of her?" he asked "Well we aren't official and we aren't ready to let the team know anything so I didn't think I really did anything wrong" Spencer said sounding slightly annoyed by this situation "Ok Spencer. Let me know when you wake up to yourself?" Bryan said he began sounding protective, Summer after all, is his best friend, he would do anything for her "She could have anyone she wanted, she doesn't need to put up with this shit anyway" he said walking away Spencer's mouth left wide open in shock did i really hurt her feelings that much?

A/N: Sorry for the late update work is kicking my ass. Thanks to everyone that is reading it means so much to me even just reading the first chapter so thanks a million to those who have made it here. Let me know your thoughts. How are we liking Summer?See you soon

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