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Romulus had been watching Ren all night. He watched him get drunk. He watched as a red-haired officer went over and talked to him.

Odd, this man didn't bother to have one drink the entire night.

He watched as the red-haired man whispered something to a server and motioned towards Ren.

The server brought Kylo more drinks.

Romulus watched as the redhead along with stormtroopers left the throne room.

Romulus stood up and followed. He followed them through many hallways until they turned a corner.

Why would they be going towards Solsta's room?

Romulus had a bad feeling about this. He watched as they entered the Queen's room.

Romulus began to panic. He couldn't just enter. He needed an excuse to get in.

He looked around and over to a vase with flowers. He took the flowers out. Holding onto the vase he went for the door.

Hux and the stormtroopers looked at Romulus in unison. The muscles on Solsta's body relaxed.

Upon seeing him arrive so suddenly the stormtroopers aimed their blasters at him.

He put his arms up in surrender. "Don't shoot, I'm just here on the Queen's orders."

"What orders?", a stormtrooper demanded.

"I was sent to bring her water." Romulus brought up the vase in his hands to show the stormtrooper.

"Put it down and get."

"Hey, no need to be so hostile." Romulus set the vase down but he didn't dare leave.

"We said beat it!"

"I don't take orders from you.", Romulus spat.

"Precisely, he does not and nor do I, so you should be the ones leaving. I already said I'm not going to the party." Solsta put her hands on her hips.

Hux clasped his hands impatiently. "But your majesty, King Ren requests your presence immediately."

"If he really wants me at the party he can come get me himself.", Solsta huffed.

Hux nervously slicked back his hair. "He wishes to showcase the alliance-"

"We already did that out on the balcony!"

"But people are asking for you, they suspect-"

"I will not be submissive to his aggressive ways. I won't go if he 'demands' me to go.", Solsta crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly.

Hux flares his nostrils. "You will go to the party and you will do whatever the First Order says."

"Something is going on here. If Kylo wants me at the party as badly as you say he does then he would come get me himself... it seems to me that you want me there at the party."

Hux said nothing. Solsta gave Hux a dramatic gasp. "Don't tell me you're so jealous of Kylo Ren that you want to be seen with me to hurt his feelings." She laughed at him."Like if he would care."

Hux bit down on his teeth and blushed.

"You ungrateful bitch. If the Supreme Leader gives an order you must obey it!"

"Or what? I agreed to marry him, but I didn't agree to be a fucking object, to be displayed whenever the First Order finds it politically beneficial. You forget I'm queen, and he is your king so if anything you should be taking orders from me. So get the fuck out of my room you disrespectful twat!"

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