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A few days had passed since the dinner.

Babilla was divided, some said Kylo Ren was a merciless conquistador, while the other half said he would help bring Babilla out the shadows and make it a greater planet. You wanted to follow no belief. You wanted to get to know the real Kylo Ren, you wanted to find out for yourself the kind of man he is. And kill him if he threatens the safety of your people. You knew Romulus told you to stay out of it, but he didn't have to know.

You had to get close to Ren before the wedding. You didn't want to marry him and you wanted to see if you could figure out his intentions before the wedding could even go down.

You were sitting on the fountain in the middle of the lobby on the first floor of the palace. Officers were walking two and fro.

An orange cat was laying on the marble floor under the sunlight that had entered through one of the arched windows. It had a black collar on, with a small little bell on it.

You kneeled onto the floor and called the cat over. It sleepily looked up at you and laid its head back down.

You sighed and stood up. You were bored. Maybe I should go take a dip in the river?

Walking, not paying attention, you bumped into a tall figure. You were falling backward, but the figure reached out and grabbed your wrist before you could fall. Their grip was rather tight.

"Watch where you are going?", the altered voice said.

You rolled your eyes. Great just great

"Watch the attitude.", he hissed.

You tried to pull out of his tight grip. "Watch yourself, you're hurting me."

Kylo slowly let you go. You rubbed your wrists.

Kylo began to walk away. You followed behind him. "What's the rush?"

"I have a meeting to get to."

"When do we begin training?" you asked, trying to match his pace.

"Why are you so eager to train?"

"It gets boring around here. I want something to look forward to."

And to get closer to you and figure out what you plan to do exactly with Babilla

"We can start tomorrow. Right now I need to get to that meeting." Kylo stopped in front of two splitting hallways.

"Are you lost?"

Kylo said nothing and continued walking as he took the hallway to the right.

You followed him, knowing this wasn't the way.

There was an enormous window that looked out into the gardens at the end of the hallway. Kylo huffed and turned back.

You laughed to yourself. "I can help you."

"I don't want your help."

"You're lost, admit it."

Kylo abruptly turned to face you, you almost bumped into him again. "Fine. Just stop talking.", he demanded.

You smiled. "Alright. Follow me." You walked in front of Kylo, he begrudgingly followed you.

You went to the elevators in the main lobby and hit the button for the fifth floor.

It was silent for a while.

Kylo broke the silence. "How was I supposed to know that you were going to be loyal and just agree so easily?"

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