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Queen Solsta's funeral was a week after her death. Babillians filled the streets, weeping for their beloved ruler. They all marched following the body of the queen to the Tower of Tongues where she would be laid to rest, alongside all the previous rulers of Babilla. The casket was open so all could see her in her beauty.

A week after the Queen's death, the public was told to have the queen in their thoughts and prayers because she was greatly ill. Later that day they announced that she had died.

Kylo felt his strain loosen, he had been tirelessly preserving the queen's body with the force for an entire week.

It didn't help that he was stressing about Palpatine. He hadn't told him about the queen's death and he was filled with paranoia that he already knew. Eventually, he would have to tell Palpatine. Because he needed to know what to do next, their old plan was dead like the queen.

Kylo and his Knights accompanied the queen's journey to the Tower Of Tongues. Her body was laid to rest in the crypt of the tower. Kylo saw the distraught, red, weeping faces of the babillians. They really cared for their queen, how was he going to compare?

Well, they would learn to respect him one way or another.

Back inside the palace, Kylo locked himself in his quarters. He paced around his room trying to figure out what he was going to do.

He could continue the plan without the queen, but winning their hearts would be difficult without her.

He could force the babillians to turn over all force-sensitives, but they could resist and that would start issues...possibly a revolution or worse contact the Resistance. The First Order wasn't prepared for an attack from the Resistance.

Kylo felt like his head was going to explode.

What if Palpatine already knew about the queen's death and was testing Kylo's loyalty?
What if Palpatine wasn't going to give him the galaxy anymore?

Kylo marched out of his room and went to the landing platforms where his TIE Silencer was.

He hopped in and made his way to Exegol. He was going to tell Palpatine what had happened. He needed his guidance. He needed him to tell him what to do now.

Kylo took cautious steps upon entering the Sith citadel.

"I sense an unease..."

Kylo stood straighter in-front of Palpatine. Although he was hooked up to all kinds of needles and tubes to help sustain his fragile form, Kylo feared his force abilities.

"The Queen is dead.",Kylo spat.

Palpatine shifted.

Kylo explained to him all that happened.

"She would have eventually died either way, she wasn't loyal."

"So what now, what's the next ?"

"Kill her councilman that don't pledge themselves, we need those that are loyal to help with the conquer of Babilla."

Kylo agreed. They took notice of her disappearance and were skeptical of her death.

"Well, you still need a queen."


"The people need to have someone they trust in. When they see a Babillian beside you, loyal to the First Order, they will trust in you. They will become loyal. We need the people on our side, we need their resources, their force-sensitives, to build our army.", Palpatine was rubbing his bony hands together as he schemed.

Kylo was seeing red. Married....again. You've got to be shitting me.

"Don't you want to ensure your reign?"

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