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You were a hypocrite. You expected Kylo to tell you the truth about his feelings and about his intentions with the First Order but you were lying to him. You were spying on him. You were also leading him on.

You couldn't be angry at Ren, he was afraid of falling, he couldn't afford to have any weaknesses, the Ruler of the entire galaxy couldn't have any soft spots. And you were understanding that you like him couldn't have any loose ends as well, it would jeopardize the safety of Babilla.

You couldn't act out on your feelings for Ren until you knew what exactly he was up to.

You were too tired to go apologize to Ren for storming off plus he hadn't arrived back at the villa. So you slept. You had the nightmare again of the city being up in smoke. Foreign ships in the sky and people screaming.

You rubbed your head. You hated sleeping. You hated seeing that dream.

The next morning you got dressed and knocked on Ren's door to apologize. There was no answer and when you stepped inside his room it was empty.

You entered the elevator hitting the button for the first floor.

He probably went off to work

You got off the elevator to find Kylo sitting on one of the white couches. He was anxiously tapping his foot against the white floor.

You raised an eyebrow. He looked good.

Kylo was wearing his black pants and boots like usual, but he had a white long sleeve shirt on. The sleeves were rolled up. His shirt was a airy cotton material and the collar of his shirt was unbuttoned.

Kylo looked different, odd almost. You were so used to seeing him in all black and covered.

You cleared your throat letting him know you were there. He stood up looking at you. His eyes wandered on you and your body.

"You look good.", you complimented.

Kylo looked down at himself and then back up at you, slightly blushing.

"Tha-thanks.", he muttered.

He gulped.
He wanted to compliment you.
Well, he always wanted to. You were so beautiful to him. Anything you wore, flattered your shape.

Remembering, he reached towards the kitchen counter. You neared him to see what he was holding.

Kylo revealed a picnic basket filled with wine and food. On his other hand, he had a blanket.

You looked at him as if he had been switched out with someone else. He looked at you hopefully.

"What is this?"

"I wanted to apologize for the way I was acting yesterday so I was thinking maybe we could go have picnic."

You grinned at Kylo not being able to contain your excitement.

"Where's the real Kylo and what have you done with him?", you teased.

Kylo frowned. "I'm just trying to make things better. Considering that we will eventually marry someday."

You approached Kylo gently taking the rolled-up blanket. "You look cute when you're trying to apologize.", you say giving Kylo a peck on the cheek.

You exited the front door. Kylo paused feeling his face heat up.

He cleared his throat and followed behind you.

Kylo took you back to the field of flowers. You helped him set up the blanket and food amongst the ocean of blue flowers.

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