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Feeling your intense gaze, Kylo stepped out of your grip. He cleared his throat.

"Let's get going then before it gets dark."

You bit down on your lip fighting a smile.

You took Kylo to a field of blue flowers. When he saw the endless field of the flowers his mouth dropped. You smiled to yourself.

By the time you had gotten there the sun was already beginning to set.

You both sat in the field. The field was high up on a cliff so from there you could see the glistening lights of the city in the distance.

You watched as the sun set on Babilla.  The sky became a dark blue. The stars were more visible than ever, especially from that height.

Kylo craned his neck looking up at the stars.  He then looked towards the city.

He let out a sigh. The view was breathtaking. He admired the city. He didn't see it as his. He didn't admire it as his kingdom. He was seeing it as it was. A magnificent twinkling spectacle. He forgot in this moment that it was all his, that he was King, and that it belonged to him.

Fireflies twinkled against the night sky.  You hadn't seen fireflies in a while. There were none in the city. But in the palace gardens, they  would occasionally show.

"I've never seen something like this.", Kylo breathed.

"It's beautiful from up here isn't it?"

You did always think Babilla looked better at night. You were thankful that the Babillian nights were longer than the days, you preferred the beauty of the city at night.

It got a bit chilly so you both decided to head back to the villa.

Entering the house, Kyo grabbed your wrist. You turned to face him, confused.

"Y/N thank you."

"For what?"

"For showing me your favorite view of the city."

"Oh its nothing.", you slightly blushed.

"It means a lot to me."

You felt your heart begin to pick up speed and your mouth go dry. 

No. We aren't doing this. We can't. Remember he is up to something. Don't fall for this.

You backed out of his grip. "I thought you were thanking me about the kyber crystals." You crossed your arms over you chest, not wanting him to touch you again.

Kylo drew his hand back to his side.  "Oh that. Yeah. You did well today. But your training isn't completed there is still much for you to learn."

His tone changed. He was back to business. There was the Kylo you knew.

You watched as he went towards the elevators. "You better wake up on time. We train tomorrow. Don't be late.", he threatened, stepping inside the elevator.

The doors shut as you took one last look at him. Maybe you should have let it played out longer. What if he was going to open up? Maybe you should have just let it happen. You touched your wrist where Kylo had touched you seconds ago. You missed his touch.

You cursed to yourself. He left without having dinner. You deserved to eat alone after pushing him away.

What was this? When he'd get close you'd pull away. And when you got close he'd push away. It was as if you both were afraid of falling.

You would have preferred to continued working scouting the forest for locations, there was at least shade. Training was kicking your ass. Not to mention the altitude was making you get tired easily. You were training in an open grassy field.

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