12 - VILLA

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You slumped onto the floor leaning against your door.

Kylo didn't fully trust you. You couldn't help but feel a bit hurt. But now he knew that you felt the same way. But you had a right to doubt him. You were Babillian. This was your home. You were going to be queen, he's insane if he thinks you can turn a blind eye for him and betray your people.

Why does he have to be so vague?
Why couldn't he have just told me?
Is he scared that by what he says he will be pushing me away?

Well if he's doing something bad and doesn't want me to find out, then he shouldn't be doing it in the first place!

There was a soft knock at your door. You sat up from the ground and force slide the door open, expecting it to be Kylo coming to apologize.

"Ky-", you began as you force slid the door open.

"Sorry to disappoint.", Romulus said entering your room.

You felt embarrassed and tried to explain.

"No, no it's fine, I see that you have gotten very close to the Supreme Leader."

"It's not like that.", you said defensively.

"That's not what everyone's saying."

"What-What do they say?"

"Well for starters that you have him wrapped around your finger. They saw how he looked at you after he said he didn't want to 'massacre' us all and that coming from him is ironic."

You scoffed. "Ha, 'How he looked at me.' Please that was nothing."

"Everyone is talking about how he brought you to the meeting and how he changed up the plans so you can go to the countryside with him."

You didn't know what to say to that.

"Plus people have seen you two around the palace. Is it true that every day you eat together?"

You rubbed your neck, in guilt.

Romulus looked at you in disbelief. "Oh my- it is true."

"Romulus I-"

Romulus shook his head. "No wonder Tamina was acting weird-" he rambled on.

"Romulus!", you yelled to get his attention.

He looked at you attentively.

"Romulus.", you approached him and took his hand. "There is nothing going on between Kylo and I.", you said looking into his eyes.

Romulus searched your face. He scoffed.

You looked at him confused.

"Kylo huh? So you're on a first name basis."

"No I-"

Romulus shook his head. "Y/N don't lie to me. Don't lie to yourself, there might not be 'something' between you and Ren, but there definitely is something there."

Romulus wasn't angry when he said it, he was being sincere.

He raised you. How could he not know? It was all in your face, in your eyes. The way you talked about him. The way you looked at him.

You gulped.

"I don't know if his feelings are mutual. But if they are then that would be more dangerous."

You shook your head. "Romulus. There is nothing between us. Just the arrangement."

Romulus looked down at your hands and gave them a small pat. "Sure it is."

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