20 - GUILT

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You awoke to an empty bed.

Did Kylo stay and sleep with you or did he leave as soon as you had fallen asleep?

A wave of sadness washed over you.

It didn't matter.

None of it mattered.

You had done what you had done.

You hugged the sheet against your naked body.

It should have never happened. But it had.

And what hurt more was the fact that you felt no regret for what you had done.

You felt almost relieved that it happened.

You needed to know what it felt like to be with him...just in case you would have to kill him.

You bit down on your lip.

Now all I have to do is act like nothing ever happened and that nothing like that can ever happen again.

You smiled weakly to yourself. Images of what occurred last night flooded through your mind.

His touch, his lips, his fingers, his dick inside of you.

The warmth in between your legs grew just at the thought of him pounding into you. The sensation of the force, of his fingers rubbing on your swollen clit.

You giggled and threw yourself back onto the bed.

I hope Kylo doesn't think this is a reoccurring thing.

You hopped in the shower, as much as you hated washing away Kylo's scent it had to be done. That night had to be forgotten and you had to remember your duty.

You stepped out of your restroom a towel wrapped around your wet body. You sat on the edge of your bed, combining your wet hair.

You had to get the sheets washed, they reeked of sex, sweat and of Kylo.

You noticed a piece of paper taped onto your door.

You removed the thick white card stock off the door already knowing who the note was from. You held in a breathe before reading.

Training is canceled, we worked out enough...

- Kylo

You scoffed re-reading what Kylo wrote.

"What the fuck?" you laughed.

"we worked out enough"

You shook your head taking the note from Kylo and putting it away in a safe place.

You stopped yourself.

Uh- why am I saving this?

You chewed on your bottom lip looking at the past notes from Kylo that you had been collecting.

It's apart of the investigation, it is evidence, it needs to be put in a safe place you convinced yourself.

You dressed yourself, unable to shut off the memories of the night.
Yeah evidence of my stupid crush


Kylo's eyes fluttered open. The morning sun, pouring into the bedroom from the terraces on either side of the room had comfortably warmed up the bedroom.

Kylo flipped over, trying to escape the sun's rays.

Your bare back faced him. Your loose hair fanned out onto the mattress and pillow.

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