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You slightly sat up from the bed rubbing your eyes. You felt more than rested.

Determining by the position of the sun you knew it was already afternoon. You had slept well into the next day.

Poor Kylo, our dinner

You noticed a piece of paper beside your pillow.
You picked it up and read the beautiful cursive handwriting.

You were asleep when I arrived & I didn't want to wake you. We can continue dinner later. Meeting at 4:00, see you there.


You felt your heart flutter. You held the card tightly against your chest. There was nothing romantic about it but you couldn't help but gush over it.

You decided that you were going to store his note in a safe spot.

You changed out of yesterday's dress and got dressed. The meeting was going to start in a bit.

You stepped out of the elevator. Officers and the Knights of Ren filled the hallway, they were all making their way inside of the council room.

You followed the crowd.

Kylo was leaning lazily against the door way as General Pryde rambled, boring him to death.

His eyes met yours, he immediately stood up straight , he was no longer daydreaming.
Kylo turned to Pryde, told him something. Pryde nodded and entered the room.

Everyone had left the hallway and were already settling inside the council room.

Your heart picked up it's pace as Kylo walked towards you.

He grabbed the side of your face his lips smashing onto yours, pushing you up against the wall.

You didn't expect such a kiss.

Your hands raced to cup the sides of his face.
Kylo removed his hands from the sides of your face, he was quicker than you and pinned your hands over your head.

He pressed onto you as his tongue made contact with yours.

You moaned into his mouth. You sucked onto his tongue. His dirty thoughts were so loud.

You giggled breaking the kiss. Kylo didn't want to stop he leaned in, his lips colliding with your cheek as you laughed.

"What's this for?"

"We never got to finish what we started.", he breathed.

Kylo leaned in again.

You pressed both your hands on his wide chest pushing him slightly away.

"And we will have to finish this another time because we've got a meeting to get to."

Kylo rolled his eyes and growled.

Why was that hot?

He grabbed your neck. Your heartbeat quickened. He turned your face upright.

He hungrily kissed from your neck down to your cleavage.

You let out a sharp breath.

You liked this. You wanted his grip on your neck to tighten a bit. You wanted the kisses to get lower.

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