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Ren had heard Rey say something similar to what you had told him.

There on Ahch-To.

You're not alone he said
Neither are you she had responded

But that was a lie. An empty lie. She didn't mean it. She would have taken his hand if she had meant it. And he wouldn't be feeling this constant loneliness.

But when you told him that he didn't have to be alone in this. For once it felt like it would be true. You would be by his side through marriage. You would rule the galaxy with him, even if it was all arranged.

You wanted to be with him. You didn't want to be alone and neither did he. Despite your circumstances, you both were going to be together. All you had was each other.

Kylo felt relief. A calmness. He didn't know why he felt the way he did when he was around you. Apart of him wanted to fight the feelings he had for you, but the other part of him wanted to give in, wanted to put himself and his heart on the line. He was so alone. He barely trusted anyone. He needed someone by his side.

Back in your bed, you felt something in your chest. You wrapped yourself tighter under the sheets.

Why were you feeling like this?
Why did he make you feel like this?

You couldn't get him out of your head. You felt childish and giddy.

Maybe I should have given him a goodnight kiss...one on the cheek or something...

You felt yourself blush harshly.

What the fuck! NO! I'm supposed to spy on him I can't be thinking about kissing him!!

How could you be such a fool? Something as bold as a kiss made you feel like a helpless romantic.

But he was so handsome. And when he said that you didn't have to be alone, you knew that for some reason he had meant it.

You knew that at times he could be unpredictable, but you didn't care. And you didn't exactly know why. You didn't know why you found the need to justify his behavior.


You hit the floor landing on your butt.


You groaned. "Again?"

"Yes again."

"Kylo, give it a rest I'm not that good."

"With that mindset you will never improve."

"Oh trust me I'm trying, this probably just isn't for me."

"Come on get up."

You extended your hand out for him to help you up.

Kylo looked down at your hand for a second, considering whether to take it or not. He took it pulling you up to your feet.

You and Kylo had been training for weeks. Every morning you both had breakfast together. Sometimes he couldn't stay for dinner or lunch, leaving to attend a meeting. You had discovered another side of Ren while training alongside him,a playful one.

He ridiculed the way you would mess up. You liked this light playful side of him. And you of course would tease him back. Over the course of weeks you two had become somewhat friends.

He was trying to teach you how to use a lightsaber, but for now you were both using wooden sticks.

You dusted off your behind. Kylo got into his stance, wooden stick up in the air, ready to strike.

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