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"Your majesty there must be another way."

"There is no other way. They have Star destroyers, I will not risk blowing our planet to smithereens."

A councilwoman slammed her fist against the marble table,"Babilla has stayed neutral and hidden long enough. I say we notify the Resistance."

"Yes, it's not too late to contact them, they can protect us.", another council member agreed.

Queen Solsta turned to him. "By the time they arrive, it would be too late. And if the Resistance attacks the First Order, Babilla will become a battlezone, putting our people at risk."

The members nodded their heads and mumbled amongst one another.

"I will not let our people die in the crossfire of their stupid causes. We let them land, play the part, give them supplies, and send them on their way."

The council members chewed on their nails, some shook their heads in disagreement, others like the queen hoped that that was all the First Order wanted.

A woman entered the council room.

"My Queen, the ships are requesting to land."

"Give them clearance."

The murmurs grew.

Queen Solsta and her entourage of guards and councilmen had made it to the landing platforms.

The councilmembers clustered off to the side.

The ships began to appear in the sky. Romulus held his breath in anticipation.

The queen was right, a handful of Star Destroyers decorated the landing platforms.

The Finalizer hoovered above the platform. The fabric of Solsta's dress fluttered in the air. Some of her soldiers struggled to keep their balance, but she stood straight and tall, her posture never faltering. Romulus gulped, if the queen was scared she didn't show it.

The Finalizer's ramp came down with a hiss. Stormtroopers stood beside their Supreme Leader. His Knights of Ren stood behind him.

Kylo walked down the ramp and stood before Queen Solsta.

"I am Queen Solsta, welcome to Babilla.", the queen introduced herself.

The masked figure said nothing.

"I hope you find Babilla...interesting.", she chose her words carefully.

"And for your sake, I hope we don't run into any surprises.", Kylo finally spoke, his voice from the mask altered.

The queen pursed her lips in a firm line, his threat didn't surprise her.

"Shall we discuss the reason for your being here, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren?"

Kylo Ren simply nodded his head and he and his entourage followed behind the queen as she led the way.

Romulus let out a shaky breath, everything was going according to plan. He couldn't help but feel like he was witnessing history in the making.

Kylo felt a buzzing around him. He felt it before they had even entered the atmosphere of Babilla. It was what had caught his attention and led him to the discovery of Babilla in the first place. But now that he was on the ground, the humming of the force intensified.

He could feel the force and how it surrounded all around. He hadn't felt such a presence since his Jedi training days. The feeling was almost suffocating.

Allegiant General Pryde rushed over to Kylo's side as they entered the grounds of the Babillian palace.

In a low voice, he said," Supreme Leader I will leave for Exegol and inform Emperor Palpatine that we have successfully landed in Babilla."

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