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You had been training with Kylo for over a week now. After a week of straight training, you begged him to give you a day off. He did when he left Babilla on some urgent business.

You decided to spend your day off with the only person you could consider a friend, Tamina.

You didn't know what Kylo was to you. Friend was too far of a jump, a mentor? A partner? Kylo had his vulnerable moments with you, but he would quickly become cold or cruel. You needed a break from him. Especially since you couldn't stop thinking about his handsome face. And his strong hands.

Being a spy was hard, you'd ask him a question about Babilla and he would shut you down. You were getting nowhere.

After breakfast with Tamina, well technically lunch, you decided to sleep in, you grabbed her by the hand and led her out of your room and towards the elevator.

"Hey, you didn't give me a chance to put on my shoes!"

You looked down at both of your bare feet. It wasn't like anyone in the palace could tell you otherwise. Plus it felt good to feel the cool marble against the sole of your feet.

"I want to show you something.", you tell her excitedly.

Once on the first floor of the palace, you broke out into a run.

"Hey wait for me!", Tamina yelled after you.

You turned your head, your hair hitting your face as you ran. "Come and catch me if you want to see my surprise!"

You ran through the large lobby of the palace, taking a right out into the gardens. Your feet came into contact with gravel. You winced in slight discomfort but continued on.

You made it onto the grass. It felt so good to feel its texture under your feet.

You could hear Tamina's laughter behind you. Taking a left and running deep into the garden behind a large hedge, you made it to your river getaway.

You pushed aside the branches and entered your safe place.

You stood there looking out into the lake and small beach. And the tree on the left side that looked out towards the city. 'A swing could go there or a picnic would be ideal there' you thought.

Tamina slowly walked towards you, taking in the beauty of it all. You could hear her trying to catch her breath from all the running as she stood beside you.

"What is this place?"

"I don't know, I think it was a secret escape route or something."

You walked over to the left side near the stone stairway and dock.

Tamina followed behind you, her hand trailing along the left side of the palace walls.

"If Solsta and I would have known about this place, she would have missed all kinds of meetings.", Tamina smiled to herself.

You sat on the stairs that weren't inside the water. One more step down and you would be. You patted on the step next to you for Tamina.

She sat beside you taking in the view of the river that flowed into the ocean. The castle wall blocked the view of the city from there, which was on your left side.

The water glistened in the sunlight. You both dipped your feet into the cool water.

Tamina turned to your left, past you, and pointed at the dock.

"You could use that as a diving board."

"Hmm I never thought about that.", you could already imagine you and Tamina cannonballing and diving into the river.

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