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In the truck, the seating arrangements had been Dani in the drivers seat, me in the passengers seat and Lisa in the back, not in the trunk but right behind the passengers seat.

The girls and I were raving to their songs. Dani was dancing while being behind the wheel which is terrifyingly concerning. Lisa had been in the backseat giving her singing the most power she could, belting notes whenever they came about. I only really bopped my head and listened to them while lip syncing the lyrics.

We were listening to the alive album and the girls had just finished singing their original, Never Let Me Fall. Then their album title began playing which was one I was pretty decent in singing. I hummed to the song as Lisa sang Amy's part at the beginning of the song then after Dani did Lauren's part. It was like a live concert from my favorite band.

Lisa began with the chorus, which actually is her part and Dani got her part right after. I couldn't help but start singing along with Christina's part. Because my eyes were closed due to being so emotionally invested in the song, without realizing it, the Cimorelli sisters both stopped singing and glanced at each other then back at me with their jaws dropped. The car was luckily at a red light or else Dani looking towards the backseat where Lisa was is probably an absolutely garbage idea.

"I feel because I'm alive" I stopped singing and continued head banging softly to Kath's part.

When I realized the girls weren't singing anymore, I opened one eye to peak to my left and see Dani staring at me with her mouth open. "What are you doing?! Keep your eyes on the road Dan!" I slapped her arm lightly- making her jolt into turning back towards the road ahead of her. I turned back to Lisa after I was positive Dani was paying attention to her driving. The girl's mouth was hanging open with raised eyebrows. "What?" I asked them.

Lisa pulled her head back, her neck staying in place which gave her a double chin for a split second before she lifted her hands up. "Wow"

I lifted my eyebrows at her. "..What?.."

"You didn't tell us you could sing!" Dani screeched, smacking on of her hands against the top of the steering wheel.

"I can't?!" I shouted back. Lisa scoffed, rolling her eyes with a smile.

"Uh- Yeah- Sure." Lisa leaned around the seat to get a better look at me. "Y/N, that was pretty amazing if you ask me." She leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms while nodding.

"I!" Dani leaned forward in her seat, lifting herself off the seat about an inch occasionally as she pointed to herself with one hand, using her thumb. "I. Cannot even reach those notes!"

"Oh my gosh!" I covered my face. "Stop, I'm not that good-" Dani leaned back in her seat dramatically, making Lisa and I look at her.

"I just had the best idea." Dani stopped when the light was red and turned to look at Lisa and I briefly. "Sing to Lauren dude!" The younger sister back handed the front of my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh" Lisa leaned forward in the backseat and reached to place her hand on Dani's right shoulder. "Yes." Lisa balled her other hand into a fist, nodding with a determined expression written on her face.

"I- I don't know guys-" I rubbed the back of my neck. "I kind of have like stage fright- like honestly, I didn't even know I was singing when you guys heard me, I thought that was in my head-" My mouth closed when I realized I was rambling. "Yeah, that's a no. Sorry."

"Well that's a bummer." Dani huffed, facing forward as her fingers aside from her thumbs, lifted off of the steering wheel and fell back in a rhythmic motion. Lisa just laughed at Dani.

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