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Lauren's eyes never left mine once except for when she continued searching through my account. "Okay I actually wanna marry Lauren...I wish I could meet the girls and go to their concert" That same girl quoted from one of my posts then stood up, in disbelief. "I can't believe you!" Lauren threw my phone down onto the couch then started taking steps closer to me. "You can't wait to meet us?" She came close to my face. "Well you're welcome!- You got a free pass!" I heard the door click open after she was done yelling at me. "How long?"

My eyes slightly widened. "What?.." My voice cracked at her request. Lauren nodded.

"You heard me- How long did you know?" Lauren crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

"..The first day we met.." I couldn't look her in the eyes but I saw her body move away.

Tears fell down my cheeks from my now, red eyes as Lauren and I both looked to see her older sisters walk in. "I thought I could trust you" She lowered her voice then pushed past me, carelessly hitting my shoulder with hers. The door closed and I saw Dani along with the rest of the band walking up to where we were almost and Christina was gonna say something but Lauren pushed right through them. She frowned at Lauren's behavior while I tried not to cry harder than I already was.

"Woah!- What happened?!" Christina asked. Lauren rushed up the stairs and shrugged.

"I don't know, why don't you ask our little fan down there." The girl disappeared from the stairs and eventually I heard a door slam.

The girls were stunned as they turned from her to me, seeing me as an emotional mess. I didn't know what else to do besides stand there and hope that Lauren comes back down. And to my surprise she did. Halfway down the steps she leaned over the railing ignoring my existence.

"Guys have you seen my headphones?" I stared at the girl still admiring her as much as before. Lisa picked up on this but Dani shook her head in response. As upset as I was, I couldn't help but stare at her in awe and break into.. a sad smile. I just lost an angel.

"Y/N.." I broke from my trance and looked to that Lisa and Dani were the people who seemed not as surprised by everyone but Lisa seemed to pick up on the situation. "You love her don't you?..More than..we.. thought.."

I couldn't respond to her..I didn't have the heart to admit it. Lisa just stared in shock. "That's why you were upset at the park.." She mumbled to herself. I slowly nodded as more tears flowed down my cheeks. I looked down at the floor barely seeing my hands and how I was fiddling with my thumbs.

"It doesn't matter anymore- She's clearly pissed off at me and won't ever forgive me plus she's straight" I sat down on the couch, hunched over with my head in my hands.

I looked up to see the girls looking at each other with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

"What?" I sat up straight curious on why they're looking at each other like that.

"Well..She's upset because she.." Lisa looked around at her sisters, seeking approval before saying anything and the girls nodded. "..She..uhh..liked you" My lips parted at her statement. "She's not mad because you're a fan but she's upset that she liked you and now she doesn't know if you like her for her or because of us being on YouTube.. and I guess that... she's afraid you're infatuated with her?- instead of.. liking her genuinely for her?"

"Well.. She wouldn't have to be worried about that.." I paused. "Uh.. I fell for her twice?"

"What do you mean twice?" Christina sat beside me and Dani joined her on the other side of me.

"I fell for her twice" I repeated. "And I didn't even have to meet her the first time..." Katherine clenched her first against her chest in awh from what I said. "But then I met her for real. I discovered her personality better than I thought I did..as a.." I paused again. "fan." I scratched the back of my head. "..I blew my chances" I leaned back into the couch.

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