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Lisa had a fake mustache on..Well kind of, half of it is hanging off on one side of her lip. Suddenly both of them darted their heads to me, in the same direction. The both of them and I continued staring at each other for about 5 more seconds before Lisa whispered to Dani.

"Pssssttt" Lisa continued looking at me but her head was leaned towards Dani, who was on Lisa's left side. "Hey Dani..." Lisa thought that I couldn't hear her when she whispered.

"Yeah Lisa..." Dani asked, neither of them daring to break look away from me to even look at one another. Both of their eyes stayed on me while whispering to each other.

"..We've been spotted.." Lisa mustache fell off as she tried to be quiet but of course failed.

"..I know.." Dani closed her eyes accepting defeat but opened them again. "Run."

"What-" I was cut off by the both of them scrambling to get up. "What are you guys doing here?!-" Lisa suddenly turned back, her fingers swiping across her lips while searching the ground. "What are you-"  Lisa picked up the bowl that I'm guessing the popcorn was in and threw it at my stomach as a distraction. "OW- What the-" Lisa turned back around.


"-LISA THAT'S DISGUSTING- " Dani's head turned to Lisa. "-DON'T PUT IT BACK ON." Dan slapped it out of her hand as they ran.

"HEY!-" DANIELLE NICOLE CIMORELLI-" Lisa bent down to pick up the mustache.

"LISA" Dani shouted, grabbing Lisa's arm.

"NOOO-" Lisa shook her head violently. "HOW DARE YOUUUU?!" She yelled, filled with rage.


"NO YOU SHUT UP YOU RATSO!" Lisa tore off Dani's blonde wig then squared up.

Dani's eyes followed the wig fly to the ground then turned back to Lisa slowly with her jaw clenched. Dani immediately jumped at Lisa, ripping off her wig and tackling her to the ground. "YOU'RE SO LUCKY YOU'RE BALD OR ELSE I'D BE DRAGGING YOU BY YOUR HAIR ACROSS THIS CEMENT GROUND-"

"UH GUYS?" I repeated back to them. Suddenly both of them both gasped, remembering why they ran away in the first place and once again, bolted away.

Lisa was doing cartwheels in the parking lot durin their 'escape' while Dani ran, going towards where her truck was parked. Dani's truck was far enough away for me not to recognize it from inside the billiards building.

I turned to glance up and see through the glass doors, witnessing Lauren looking for me inside. My head shifted back in the direction where I last saw her younger and older sister. 2/3s of the Cimorelli sisters were gone.

"Okay??..." I shook my head and started making my way inside, which wasn't super efficient cause everyone looked my way, making my head hang. I could open the door but it just took long to get through, since I wasn't really used to it. Lauren spotted me, a smile sneaking up on her face. She looked as if she was going to jog over but she just speed walked over to come help me. The girl placed her back against the glass door to hold it open for me. The girl was slightly flustered.

"I lowkey thought you ditched me" She ran her hand through the front of her hair, after she let out a small embarrassed chuckle while letting the door slowly shut. The singer and I walked back to the back. On the way, I tried to look at face to see her flushed cheeks as she stared down at the ground. "What were you doing outside?" She picked up her head.

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