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"Here, come on" She said softly after sitting in that position for awhile. "I'll show you how to work my shower" The girl removed her arms from my shoulders and lifted herself up from my lap. Good cause I didn't know if I should move my hands or leave them there.

I followed my idol up the stairs through her house to get to her bathroom. Iconic right?

"So um, I don't know if it matters to you or not but I have like a..I don't know how to explain it? A raining shower head?" I went along with whatever she was saying cause I already knew.

"Don't all shower heads 'rain'?" Lauren swatted my hand cause I was doing quotes around rain.

"You know what I mean" As we reached her bathroom she rolled her eyes, not seriously but in a way to intimidate me

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"You know what I mean" As we reached her bathroom she rolled her eyes, not seriously but in a way to intimidate me. "Okay look" She motioned for me to follow her to the shower. Now she was pointing at the shower head of it.

"Ohhh..One of those" I said with my bad acting skills. "Yeah no, never used one. Plus I don't wanna make a mess of your fricken hotel looking bathroom- Like what the heck?!" My body went in a full circle as my eyes roamed the room. Dani was so right about it though.

"Don't be silly but if you don't wanna use mine then you can use the one out in the hall" She redid the little gesture Lisa intimidated.

"Don't be silly but if you don't wanna use mine then you can use the one out in the hall" She redid the little gesture Lisa intimidated

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"I'll go with that for now" I suggested. Lauren nodded then let me get the stuff I needed for a shower: a change of clothes, a towel and my brush from my backpack before bringing me to what I guess.. the guest bathroom was.

"Oh wait, this shower works like mine." The statement was blurted from my mouth the second I stepped foot in the bathroom.

"Oh yeah? Cool, I don't have to expain anything cause I'm bad at it anyways" I dropped my stuff onto the counter and let her leave. I was about to lock the door after she stepped out but suddenly the door cracked open. Lauren's head peered in from behind the door. "Hey- Forgot to mention this but while you're in there I'm gonna see if my parents will let you stay cause they should be home soon. If not you can stay with Lisa and them but hopefully you can stay in my room." Lauren gave me the warning and before she closed the door and gave me a thumbs up along with that iconic wink of hers. My heart melted after she shut the door and I locked it.

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