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I jolted back from being startled and backed up into the tub of the shower. The reason the doorknob twisted in front of my eyes instead of my ear was cause my head was turned since my ear was pressed against the door. I guess Amy didn't hear cause she just ended up ignoring it.

The knob stayed twisted but never turned back, cause I guess Amy was holding it twisted.

"Why not Lisa?" The door slightly cracked open, making me capture my bottom lip underneath my top row of front teeth.

"I..Uh...I.." Lisa come on, come on, think of something! "I..um.. pooped-..Yeah- uhh, it smells in there..So like unless you wanna smell that, I wouldn't go in there you know" Lisa nervously coughed to herself and the door immediately shut closed. I released the breath of air from my mouth that I didn't know I had.

"Oh gosh! Lisa!! In the family bathroom?!" I heard footsteps rush away from the bathroom.

"Uhuh! A girl has to go when she needs to go!" Lisa defended herself. I can tell she's relieved

"Lisa.." My everything mumbled. "We didn't need to know any of that, that you said" My ears were delighted by her angelic giggle.

"What?!- You act like you guys act like I didn't do this back when we all lived together! You all do that too, so don't even" Lisa argued back.

"Still!- You could have at least turned on the fan!" Suddenly footsteps came back almost like stomps and I backed myself back against the wall. I covered my breath as my eyes widened.

The door flew open and I saw a hand reach in.
The body attached to the arm wasn't visible but I looked up, internally panicking, to see the arm reaching for the set of switches quite a lot above my head. The hand turned on the lights then turned them back off to eventually find the fan switch on the panel. Soon, the door swung closed once again leaving me scarred.

For the last time, the footsteps of the short girl gradually got quieter, the farther she got which I'm guessing was upstairs. I was about to touch the door knob when I realized, Lauren was still out there with Lisa. Once again, I pressed my ear against the door as quietly and gently as I could possibly be.

"What's up squirt?" Lisa said to Lauren

There was a pause between the my idols. At least I think there was a pause. That was the last thing I heard from them cause the fan was on and it muffled everything outside the door

Lauren's POV

I fiddled with my fingers as I sat on the couch. Lisa followed me, sitting on the armrest of it.

"I need you to be honest with me" I looked up from my fingers to face my older sister, who's looking down at me with her hands in her lap.
Lise nodded to me, allowing me to look down and fiddle with my fingers again. "Were you at the park today?.."

I already knew the answer but I wanted to have her say it or her admit it in some kind of way.

There was silence from the body next to me. My eyes darted to hers, locking contact. I wanted an answer. Lisa hesitated, looking forward before shifting her vision down to her lap. "Ahh..Yeah.." Knew it. I chuckled to myself, making my sister quirk her eyebrow

"Nothing, nothing..." I remembered the moment I spotted her car. The corner of my lips curved into a smile without baring my teeth. "What uh..What were you doing there?"

"Oh- just going on a relaxing drive.. to get away from the world for a bit, you know?.." I caught her in a massive lie. I squinted at the girl, wanting to get the truth out of her but I guess it looked like a glare cause she looked threatened.

"So Lise..Who was in your car?" My sister's eyes went wide as she looked forward. "You know..if you were trying to get away from the world" I quirked my eyebrows at her.

"Gulp-" I waved my hand in Lisa's face.

"Did you just say gulp?!- Lisa you're so obvious, oh my gosh!" I smacked her knee as I bursted out in unnecessary laughter.

"Listen, I wasn't doing anything okay? But what were you doing with Kevin? I thought you didn't like the guy" Lisa frowned. "Like literally after we finished filming our music video you were irritated and suddenly you guys are hanging out- and like have that soccer date-"

"Woah woah- Back it up Baldy. I wasn't on a date with the guy- Infact you're right, I hate the dude! He invited me and I didn't wanna go but he did us a favor with the video so I did it out of like..good sportsmanship? Is that technically a good term for that- Whatever, anyways. We weren't on a date, just making it even." My back leaned all the way into the couch cushion as I crossed my arms.

"Hmmm..Is that all?" Lisa nudged me with her elbow, while her arms were crossed.

"Well no, but I know you're not gonna tell me the rest so yeah. I'm done" I nodded to myself

"Well you're right cause I'm not saying anything" She scooted her butt off of the arm rest of the couch. I was pretty chill about it now

"Yeahhh..I kinda knew that.." My head tilted a bit with a single nod. Not surprising to me.


My butt was on the floor and my back against the door. My knees were bent and this ringing noise from this fan's starting to annoy me.

I attempted to get up from the floor but along the way I hit the top/back of my head on the door knob. Out of instinct my hand went up to my head to rub the recently hit spot

"Ow! Crap!" I muttered to myself, frustrated.

Lisa's POV

Lauren was about to stand up with me when it was interrupted by a thump coming from the bathroom. Startled, mine and Lauren's head darted to the bathroom door. Oh no- Y/N, what're you doing?! Lauren stared at it, curious and with one eyebrow raised. She turned to me

"What was that?" Lauren immediately got up.

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