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"You don't even know what I get thoughhh, that's unfair" She pouted. "Maybe we get the same thing in reality, you just don't know it" She started nodding with a smirk on her lips.


About 10 Minutes later, I made it to the street that Sonic was on. It had been Lauren, Dani, Lisa and I talking for that time. Before I got to the intersection, I spoke to them all again.

"I'VE ARRIVED" All of the sisters started clapping and cheering playfully. I parked in one of the available spots as the cheering died down a but and turned the engine off then pulled the keys out for now. "Okay, hold on"
I muted myself on the call, and grabbed my phone. I got out of the car and pressed the button to talk to an employee. After a few seconds the speaker came on

"Hi, welcome to Sonic! What can I get you?"

"Hi- um, can I get a grilled chicken sandwich, medium onion rings, and a large vanilla shake"

"For sure! That'll be $11.97. Your order will be out soon" I thanked whoever was talking to me through the monitor and got back in the car.

I unmuted the call and put my phone back on the stand, then pulled out my wallet. I pulled out a 20 dollar bill to have it ready when the employee comes out to give me my food.

"Wow. That was quick" The expression coming from Katherine's face was shocked and seemed lowkey jealous because of how fast I got done.

"Well, ya see Katherine" Lisa rested a hand on Katherine's thigh since she was sitting on the floor and Katherine was sitting on the couch.
"She doesn't have to order for 6 and up people"
Lisa lifted up her hand on Katherine's thigh and started gently patting it, while nodding

"Okay yeah, I guess you're right" She says quietly. "We love a critiquing group of people"

"She wasn't criticizing you" Amy defends Lisa but not meaning any trouble towards Kath.

"I didn't mean it in a mean way, I was giving you a compliment" Kath said seeming a bit fake

"Okay the point is, she was fast" Christina said trying to prevent any conflict between the girls.

I looked up from my phone and saw the worker coming towards my car with my food. My posture was fixed as I lowered my window and I had my money ready to pay. While I waited to pay them the girls continued to speak amongst each other except Lauren, who was watching.

"Here's your order ma'am, a grilled chicken sandwich, an order of medium onion rings and a large vanilla shake?" He read from the receipt

"Yes!- Thank you so much!" I grabbed the bag and cup from the guy, setting the bag on my passengers seat, the drink in the cup holder

"That'll be $11.97" He reminded me incase I forgot. I passed him my 20 dollar bill, then glanced at what the girls are doing now as he gets my change of 8 dollars and 3 cents for me.

"Here you go ma'am, have a nice day!" He dropped the change into my hand after counting the cash, and proceeded to walk back into one of the food chains. I put the change in my wallet and started the car once again.

I randomly sighed due to having finished a task. "You got lunch finally, didn't think this day would ever come" Lauren giggled and slightly parted her lips then clapped for me, for a few seconds. She was joking of course.

"I know me either" I smiled at her then drove out of the parking lot, going back to my house.
I heard a door being opened on the other end.

"MOMM" Dani jumped up from her seat, and ran out of frame. Everyone's eyes followed Dani, but I turned back to the road not caring about what they're doing for a second.

I let them conversate about their dinner and after a while I made it back to my cozy dwelling

After parking in the garage and turning off the car I grabbed my bag and drink, then brought them inside. I sat them on the bottom steps of the stairs beside the door to enter the garage then went back to grab my phone and made sure to lock all of the car doors. I walked back in hearing the Cimorelli's mom talking. I'm sure she was talking to Katherine and Christina about dinner since well Katherine is quite generous and Christina..I don't even know to be honest. I just feel like she wants to help out with making dinner. I'll just ask Lauren later if someone helped make dinner and who it was.

"Ma, I'm homeeeee!" I shouted, taking off my shoes at the entrance then taking the bag and drink to the kitchen where she most likely was.

"What'd you get?" She asked while leaning against the counter, washing her hands from what I'm guessing washing the dishes since they're all wet. I placed the food down.

"Sonic" I started pulling out food from the bag and after took a sip from my milkshake. "You can have my sandwich" I handed it to her. She pointed at the counter, gesturing to put it down

I took my onion rings and shake to my room along with my phone then sat down at my desk. I leaned my phone against my desktop monitors. I pushed my keyboard under an additional level which my monitors are on top of to make space. I started sipping on my shake again. We've continued talking for around an hour when suddenly there was a shout on Lauren's side of the call. She turned to look behind her along with her other siblings

"Girls come on! Dinner!" I checked my phone to see what time it is for them. It's pretty early still not gonna lie, it's not even 6 over there.

Lauren turned back to me. She was conflicted

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