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"Oh god." I uttered, feeling myself panicking. Lisa rushed over beside me, patting my shoulder. "Oh gosh, what if I chicken out-"

"You're going to be alright squirt" Dani and Lisa exchanged cheeky grins, thinking about how adorable it was that I was a simp for their sister. "If you guys don't work out, Y/S/N will live on in my fanfic..." Lisa nodded to herself.

Dani stared at her with a grossed out expression while saying "That's nice Lisa.."

I grabbed onto my crutches as I ignored the sisters. "Okay what's the plan again?"

Dani shrugged before planting her behind on the chair beside my hospital bed. "Something about like a pool table and bandana."

"Ah- yes! Okay, got it" My head shifted down to see my hospital patient's outfit. "Uh- hey, Lisa can you grab my duffel bag?" I motioned over to my duffel bag beside her on the chairs.

"Nope." Lisa bluntly stated as she continued typing away on her phone. "I'm telling the other girls' about the plan so they can help us prep for this date you guys have."

Dani and I glanced at each other for a second before Dani turned back to Lisa. "Okay..but can you just like toss the bag over-"

"Can't you just want Y/N and Lauren to get together as much as me instead of criticizing my art- No. Apparently not. Cause I'm the captain of this ship- and I will not let it sink." Lisa gestured with her fingers for Dani to zip it.

"Well if you ship them so much then why won't you toss the bag for Y/N instead of just sitting there waiting for a response that probably won't come for awhile..." Dani snapped back, shrugging calmly to get Lisa triggered.

"Listen here you little-" Lisa started but Dani talked over her as I watched the two argue.

"Lisa, can you just get off your butt if you want this to happen-" Dani approached Lisa.

"My butt?! If you're not doing anything, why couldn't you get it-" Lisa poked Dani's chest, even though Dani hovered over her.

"Y/N asked you! It was a short task!-"

"It was not that deep Dani! I was doing something and you weren't!" The elder sister pointed at her phone, then pushed it towards Dani's face. Dani nodded condescendingly.

"Ohhh!" Dani clapped her hands together while leaning forward and rested her intertwined hands against the side of her face as she tilted her head, at the same time, nodding. "Ah yes! Waiting for a text that could potentially- I don't know- take forever and A FRICKING DAY rather than take two seconds to-"

I cleared my throat, reminding them of where they are. Both of the girls' attention were on me, as they soon caught up with reality once again. The younger sister with crossed arms, turned back to Lisa, looking her up and down in frustration before focusing on me. Meanwhile, Lisa rolled her eyes before shaking her head. After a few seconds or so, the silence made the both of them guiltily looked down at the floor after making faces to each other.

"Sorry" Lisa shook her head once more as a way to restore the previous energy in the room before they bickered with one another. The older Cimorelli grabbed my bag and brought it over to me, this time without a fuss. "Here you go bud." Lisa went to pat the top of my head then remembered that I had bandages on my forehead. Although it wasn't the same spot, she was still nervous my whole head was fragile.

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