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"What were you gonna say?" Lauren gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, I guess not caring about my nervous/sweaty hands.

"Lauren Cimorelli..I know this could be me preparing to embarrass myself and that this isn't the most romantic setting but.." Lauren's lips parted as her eyebrows flattened from hearing me say 'Romantic.' "Would you be willing to give whatever this is a chance?"


Lauren's lips that were previously curled to form a smile, slowly faded away. My nerves started acting up, my palms got even more sweaty than before. I lowered my head, unable to make eye contact with the girl I used to call

My Idol

"I- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to-" Lauren's grip on my hand didn't loosen..infact it became tighter, cutting my ramble short.

"Y/N.." Her voice echoed ever so softly. "Y/N, look at me.." I could hear the smile in her voice but I still didn't bother looking at her. Out of the blue, the brown eyed girl in front of me released my hands from hers and lifted hers up to cup my cheeks, making us lock eyes. "I've been waiting for the moment that I could say yes to you. I'm glad that day finally came."

My eyebrows winkled in confusion as I looked up at the ceiling to comprehend her words. A fit of giggles came from the angel that I idolize.

My eyes fell from the ceiling to her own. "Y/N.. What I'm saying is.. Let's give us a chance"

My cheeks flushed a dark shade of red as my eyes widened in disbelief. Being unable to form words made the older girl chuckle. "Y/N, calm down" Lauren scooted closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm nothing special, okay?" Our eyes locked for a few seconds. My gaze never left hers.

"Maybe you're not special to yourself..But you're everything special to me" Surprisingly I didn't stutter that out, it came out fluidly. Lauren's lips parted before she pulled me into a  warm hug. At first, I was unsure of what to do but after getting comfortable in her arms, my eyes closed and my arms instinctively wrapped around her lower back. "I mean that.." I said quietly, rubbing her back.

Lauren's POV

"I know you do Y/N.." I feel bad for telling her to calm down when she was flustered because well..Now I see where she's coming from. At least my blush is masked by our hug though, so she can't see it. "So..To be clear..." I pulled away from the hug, immediately missing the warmth that Y/N shared with me. When I looked at my number one fan she seemed a bit threatened. "Dani and Lisa didn't force you to do this right?" Laughter poured out of her mouth, bringing joy to my heart.

"No they didn't..Well for the most part. They encouraged it, but I decided that I wanted to ask you myself" She leaned back into her pillow, closing her eyes to rest them. "Speaking of which..If I were to ask you on a date tomorrow..what would you say?" She looked down, rolling her thumb over the other.

"Oh yeah?" I teased, raising my eyebrow.

"For sure" She broke into a shy smile, still not opening her eyes. I hummed softly.

"I'd say I couldn't wait" I blushed, following her action of looking down, shyly.

The younger girl let out a satisfied sigh before lazily opening her eyes. They wandered to find mine, making me more nervous now that I know she's for sure interested. "I never imagined this ever happening in this way." I frowned in response.

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