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"What was that all about?" Lauren asked as a rhetorical question. "Well, you heard the woman." She stood up beside me, dusting her hands off to get the dirt off then put her hands on her hips. Her eyes met mine. "Get up"

I obeyed the girl, looking down when I was getting back up. Once I looked back up and put my hat back on, Lauren was so far ahead. Immediately I started with a slow jog to catch up with the girl. She glanced back to see me trying to reach her but suddenly she started running. Oh that little rat. My pace quickened.

"Lauren?! What are you doing?!" I was pretty fast, I was already almost by the girl. The girl turned back once more, noticing that she's almost in my reach. She began running a little bit faster but still not fast enough to outrun me.

It didn't take me long to pick her up and start running with her on my shoulder again. She proceeded to scream like a lunatic and we were both letting out laughter as I ran through the forest. At this point we were out of the little hidden water stream place and almost back to the abandoned tree house. I put her down in a quite, near distance from the fence that we had to climb. I left Lauren, standing there and I was getting ready to climb the fence.

"Wha- You're not gonna help me?!" Lauren whined, needing a leg up or a little boost.

"Nope, you can do it girly" My hand was reaching for the top of the fence at this point, getting ready to hop over to the other side.

"Y/N/NNNN" She begged, but I was already on the opposite side of the fence from her. I hopped down when I was like 3 feet above the ground then dusted my hands off on my pants.

"Come onnnn, did you just go all the way to the entrance instead of climbing before?" Lauren just stood there. "I'm gonna take that as a yes"

"Can't you just help me?" Lauren pouted and that shattered my heart with immense guilt.

"I'll tell you what." I put my hands on my hips. "You climb over that side, I'll catch you when you jump on this side" She hesitated before deciding to take my offer of help.

I didn't see what was so hard about the start of climbing a fence..That's like the easiest part.

"Y/N, I can't do it" Lauren huffed
while latching onto the fence.

"Laur, your feet haven't even left the ground yet" I tapped my foot on the sidewalk.

"I'll be here when you climb down okay?" My idol took a deep breath before nodding and it made me want to cry, how much it scared her.

I know that I don't know the reason she's scared but I don't have to, to be there for her and understnd that people all have valid fears.

Lauren lifted one foot up onto the fence, but hesitated to lift up the other one. She was staring down at her shoes the whole time, scared to fall. She looked up to me for support.

I walked up to the fence. "Hey.." I spoke softly to her. "You got this alright?..You're okay. It's okay to be scared. I believe in you, my creep"

I held onto the fence on the opposite side of her as I said that. Lauren gulped, turning red which I thought was africkendorable and gradually forced herself up the fence.

"That's right! You got this Laur!" A smile snuck up on my face as I cheered the girl on. It made me happy knowing I could help her through something. "Alright, easy now. Flip over like you did last time. This is the easy part for you"

Lauren took a while to shift from one side to the other but that's okay. I'd wait for her anytime. Now, the two of us were on the same side of the fence. The girl went down about two feet then I could tell she started getting nervous cause she glanced down and now she wouldn't move. Lauren's footing got messed up, and her foot slipped out of the spot in the fence. She was hanging onto the side of the fence trying to pick her feet back up but she was too scared. I stood underneath her incase she fell. Anyone could tell that Lauren wanted to scream but now that we're in a public area where people could hear, she tried to keep it in

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