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Lauren's POV

Y/N was happily, smiling because of the crowd's applause and cheering. I don't think she noticed Kevin in the corner but he definitely noticed me. I turned to softly speak to Y/N while she was thanking people as if she just had her first concert.

"Y/N" My hand landed in the crease of her elbow as I faced away from the other people in the room. The fellow performer was still looking at the crowd but I knew she could hear me because she leaned her head the tinest bit closer for her to listen to me. "I think we should go.." At the request, the girl quirked her eyebrow and examined me. I didn't say anything else, hoping that she wouldn't have her night ruined by seeing him. To my surprise, after about 5 seconds of staring, she nodded.

"Yeah.." She slowly nodded, going along with what I was asking of her. "Okay.."

Honestly, I didn't think it'd be that easy. She was already walking down the steps with her crutches, no questions asked. That's when I realized I was standing behind the mic by myself, then immediately rushed over to Y/N.

I placed my hand on her back while on her left side and she completely stopped all of her movements to meet my eyes with a red cheeked, tight-lipped smile. I didn't react physically, I was just too shy to even think of how to respond. Naturally, on the inside I was melting. Finally, the girl took her eyes off of me and continued made her way towards the entrance with me behind her. As she passed through the archway that we entered through to come to the public area, I turned to my right to find Kevin looking straight at me and I didn't hesitate to glare at him.

I patted Y/N's shoulder. "Wait outside?"

Y/N didn't seem to be excited about the idea but regardless she nodded then proceeded to step outside but only after studying my face.

A huff of air slipped from my lips, only then was when I realized I was holding my breath. I shook my head, running my hand through my hair as I turned to approach Kevin.

The guy seemed to tense up as he watched me walking over with a blank expression. The dude raised his hands in a surrendering position, backing up until he was cornered. "Lauren- I'm so sorry-" Earning an eyebroll from me, I waved my hand in front of him.

"Just shut up." I snapped back, making him kind of shocked that I'd go that far. "That stunt you pulled- You're the reason her leg is like that and now you want to be the one who helps her?-" I crossed my arms. "Such a tool."

"I was just trying to-" I scoffed, running my hand through my hair as I turned away with a fake smile on my lips until I brought my eyes back to his, immediately forming a poker face.

"I don't care what you were trying to do." I raised my eyebrows to confirm that he understands and for emphasis on how serious I was. "You stay away from me. And you especially stay away from her. Are we clear?"

"But I was here first-" Kevin flinched when I spoke up again and I don't even feel bad.

"From here on out.." I created more space between us as I backed away. "I never want to see your face again." Just like that, my back faced him and I could feel his eyes on the back of my head while I walked away from him. "Oh, and..." I paused for a second, looking over my shoulder. "I'm not the one you had to apologize to but don't even bother anymore."


So many thoughts consumed my mind.

Did she not like what I did?

Where I bought her?

I wonder if my voice cracked.

Did I go too far?

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