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Lauren's POV

I sighed, closing my eyes instead of immediately glaring at the two. But when Y/N finally pulled away from me, I didn't hesitate to burn holes into both of their skulls. A chuckle slipped from my date when she saw Lisa bouncing up and down, clapping her hands together. She didn't seem to realize that we saw her. Dani on the other hand turned to her and smacked the back of her head. Normally I'd say, as she should, but I don't think Dani isn't to blame either. Lisa yelped, her hand reaching up to tangle her fingers in her short hair, her hand meeting her scalp with a pout.

Awkwardly, Y/N rubbed the back of her neck and scooted away from me. A nervous laugh came out of her mouth as she and I exchanged glances between each other. The both of us then looked at Lisa and Dani who were about to make a run for it before I stood up.

"Lisa Michelle and Danielle Nicole!" I stomped one foot for emphasis, my clenched fists dropping to my sides. probably making Y/N flinch but who knows cause I wasn't looking at her in specific but my two idiotic sisters.

The two froze in their spots, both of them turning around with their eyes tightly shut and Lisa having their teeth revealed as she ground them in defeat. "Crap." Lisa muttered, opening her eyes to nervously smile at Dani. "My bad.."

No other response came from my younger sister except the roll of her eyes. Remembering that I wasn't alone with my sisters, Y/N and I locked eye contact as I gave her a half smile.

"Give me one second?" I leaned forward subconsciously, lifting my index finger up to emphasize that I'll only use the minimal amount of time needed. When she nodded to me, I placed my palms against each other and mouthed 'thank you' as I walked backwards to where my idiotic sisters were.

"Hahahahaha!" Attempting to distract me, Lisa laughed out this nervous cackle while her eyes were big and her eyebrows appeared furrowed at the same time. "Ha- Ha-" My older sister glanced at our youngest sister without turning her head, making Dani recieve a side eye. "Won't you look at that- Hahaha- isn't this funny Lauren- Us running into each other here- Like who would have thought-" Dani waved one of her hands in the air, the other rubbing one of her temples.

"Lisa- Shut up." Dani muttered, shaking her head with her eyes closed. Recieving the message, the girl who was somehow older than Dani and I, immediately pulled her lips in.

"Um.. Didn't I tell you guys to stop stalking us?!" I made sure my voice had been quiet enough to where it  an onky be heard by us 3.

In front of me, the rats just exchanged glances before their shoulders sunk in on themselves.

Both of my hands reached to pinch the air in front of me, the arms moving away from each other. "Oh!- Or did the message just not go through?" The skin between my brows wrinkled as they quirked up, in sarcasm.

"Lauren." Dani crossed her arms, stopping me which apparently surprised Lisa. "You should have seen this coming." Huh? What is she on about- "If you guys had ended up in the room we wanted to lock you guys in, we wouldn't need to follow you guys around" I facepalmed at her extremely stupid explanation.

I stayed in this position as my head shook from left to right in my hand. "She has a point.." Lisa blurted, making me look at her like she's crazy.

It was only now that I realized she had a camera slung around her neck. My arms slowly dropped to my side as I squinted at the piece of recording equipment. "Why do you have that?"

Lisa turned behind who to look for what I was referring to. "I-" To think she was in college at a super young age. "The camera, Lise. The Camera." The girl turned her body towards Dani and I before following my finger to look down at the camera against her torso.

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