Chapter 8: Said I'd Catch You If you Fall

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Song Selection: Loving is Easy by Rex Orange County

I began laughing hysterically at the toy dinosaur set in front of me, marching the long neck accordingly. "You never pick the T-Rex, why? T-Rexes are cool," Aaron explained to me in his bedside.

Turning the small figure in my hands, I only shrugged. "Long necks can be cool too, you know. Much more peaceful than a T-Rex and I can certainly respect that."

He smiled, looking down to the figure. "Never thought about it that way," He said and I smiled to hand the figure over to him now, seeing him playing with it now as I looked up to his EKG.

Jodie came in soon after, silently standing by the doorway afraid to speak. I only groaned at this, getting up from my seat and bidding the 5 year old adieu. "What is it, Marks," I asked her, having her walking beside me in a rush as we left the room.

"Told me to tell you when Michael came in to get his cast off." She sighed deeply. "Don't know why I have to stand around waiting but he came in-"

"You stand around waiting because it helps me out and clears my mind so I can be with my patients." I clasped my hands, trying to smile to her genuinely. "Now! Check on Sam, she's gonna ask for you to help her style her Barbie's hair and if she does you're going to do just that before checking on Bobby and Billy, alright?" Jodie nodded, rushing the opposite way while I took the elevator down to Orthopedic to make sure my Fox got everything he needed.

I walked into the halls, those in charge looking to me confused without wearing my lab coat and simply being in my scrubs. Turning a corner I noticed Michael sitting in a chair already, looking up to him and beaming immediately. The Doctor turned to me with an awkward smile. "He's just fine Caitlin, he's in good hands-"

"I know, I know. I'm just here for emotional support," I explained to him, sitting down in the visitors chair.

Michael laughed at this, tilting his head to me with a small smirk. "You're cute when you're worried about me," He mentioned.

I scoffed at this, not helping to laugh at how he was right now. "I'm using my lunch break for this, you know. Could be taking an actual break right now," I told him.

He rolled his eyes, the orthopedic consultant eyeing the two of us during our exchange. "Oh face it, you can't get enough of me."

"Says the one who's here practically everyday. Even my interns are starting to notice how often you're here."

"But they're all great! Jodie, Tom, Winston-" He continued listing their names and I laughed at this, leaning back in my seat in disbelief.

"Cast off! Now please, don't put too much tension into its activity." He laughed at the two of us, shaking his head. "You two seriously need a room. Your romance is too exhausting for me."

I blushed at this, folding my arms childishly as I noticed Michael stepping off of the examine bed to kiss me finally to send me in a fit of laughter. "C'mon, let's make use of your break then," He told me, kissing both of my hands. "Well, it might be longer than a half hour, probably." I raised a brow to him, seeing the excitement pouring out of him.

He's a total puppy, you can't deny him anything.

"And what'd you have in mind then Fox?"


The cold breeze from the hockey rink sent me shivering, Mike noticed this instantly and wrapped one of his scarves around me tightly. I smiled to him as he kissed my cheeks softly. "I'll tie your skates for you and hold your hand the whole time," He eased me as the two of us grabbed our skates.

"When you said we were going to go somewhere quickly I thought you meant somewhere to walk around with some lunch." I chuckled as he did, in fact, begin tying the laces of the skates for me. "Not a hockey rink?"

"I can't just give you a plain old date, you know. With someone as mysterious and special as you, I need to be full of unordinary surprises," Michael explained to me, extending his hand out to help me onto the slippery ice.

The skates felt useless after this and I continued on barely being able to maintain a clear balance while Michael continued skating fluidly in front of me. I looked on in annoyance, furrowing my eyebrows in frustration as I leaned onto the railings of the rink. "Hockey as a kid, damn you."

He only briefly chuckled at my struggles before taking my hands to help me onto my feet. I shook my head persistently as he cupped my cheek with a small smile. "I'll catch you if you fall, don't worry."

I sighed deeply in annoyance, beginning baby steps as Michael stayed beside me to watch me carefully. "I look like an idiot doing this, people will laugh."

This only sent Michael to twirl me on the ice, catching me and wrapping me around his arms confidently. He shook his head to me as I looked on in admiration. "If they do, screw them. I think you look sweet and that's that." I smiled up to him to kiss him softly before allowing him to help me continue on trying to skate my way through on my own.

"I'd never find myself in a hockey rink before," I told Mike once I had managed to somewhat skate on my own, still having him help me for guidance.

"See, that's why I've gotta keep you on your toes."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't want to inflate your ego with a thought like that."

He laughed, skating ahead of me to tease me with a small smirk on his face. "Little too late for that, Cat."

I'm either going to kill that Fox or kiss him endlessly some days.

REAL, michael j. foxWhere stories live. Discover now