Chapter 16: Saturday Sun

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Song Selection: Simplify by Young the Giant

The city seemed to be especially busy today at the shop Mike drove us up to the next morning, finding ourselves a booth after a wait that was just some ways away from peering eyes of those also packed into the restaurant. Sipping into the freshly-filled coffee cup in front of me, I smiled up to Michael teasingly as the sounds of the loud family diner encompassed our surroundings. "You going to spill your plans for the day?" I asked, cocking a brow to him.

He chuckled under his breath and shook his head. "I've got you to myself for the day without any of my family being much of a distraction so you best believe I'm going to show you off everywhere," He explained and raised his hands, "That's all I'm saying about that though. Not going to spill everything."

I rolled my eyes at this in annoyance with a small groan to leave him smiling proudly over to me. "So, are hints not allowed then?" I said, leaning forward to him.

Michael leaned in as well, playing along with my teasing. "Not going to confirm any of them are true, but you can go along with it anyway." He kissed the top of my nose sweetly. "You're cute when you're focused."

I laughed at this and leaned back with my coffee once again. "I'm a surgeon, I always have that focused look it's a habit," I mentioned to him.

"I know. That's why you always look so cute." I shook my head to him as he sipped his own coffee, appreciating his soft features in the crowded room for a moment. "Still not going to spill my plans."



The cloth darkened my vision, obviously to hide me away from whatever it was I was supposed to be seeing soon. "You know if this is a new kink you're trying to do here Fox-"

"Stop Cat, it's more fun this way."

"How? Not like I know much of the area to begin with," I mentioned with a light laugh.

He stood silent for a moment, more than likely realizing I had a point. "Well you can take it off now because we're here." I did so, untying the back of the cloth slowly to reveal the shady trees towering above our heads for a moment. Being taken back by the view for a moment, Michael laughed under his breath as he looked to me amused. "See, you wouldn't enjoy it as much if you saw us coming up here." I pushed him away playfully at this as he made his way to open up my side of the car, stepping out to the soft patch of dirt beneath my feet.

The breeze was slightly cooler here, having me now be grateful for taking the scarf and hat with me when we left the hotel room this morning. The canopy of trees stood towering above our heads as we continued along the path. "A nature walk then? Couldn't even have guessed it myself to be quite honest."

"I hung out a lot here back in the day you know?"

I laughed under my breath at this, raising a brow to him. "Pretty sure it wasn't for the nature walks back in the day but okay." He pushed me aside playfully at this, only confirming what I suspected as I continued to laugh hysterically over it.

He chuckled under his breath after a sly nudge to allow him to intertwine with mine. "Bet you were a total sweetheart in high school, I wouldn't doubt it."

"I could've been an absolute punk, you know. Would never have guessed it, that's for sure," I told him in spite, only having him raise a brow to me, "Hey, I've gotten myself into fights."

Michael raised a knowing finger and nodded to this. "Now see, that's believable." The two of us stopped in our tracks to the road facing out to a grand lake, taking a second to admire the tranquility of nature-

"Bet you there's a ton of leeches in there still no doubt," Michael commented.

And there goes the zen I was about to achieve.

Taking my hand suddenly, my Fox then decided to lead me forward towards the edges of the lack. Passing through cyclists on the roads enjoying the rest of their afternoon, I was being dragged to, apparently, a leech infested lake my boyfriend thought would be great to throw ourselves into. "Dip your feet in with me."

I chuckled under my breath at this. "You just said this had leeches?" Watching my Fox continue to take off the boots he was wearing regardless, I turned back to the mirror-like lake reflecting our images into the water itself. The breeze having softened, the water no doubt was still definitely cold.

And that I feared more than the leeches.

"I said it to spook you." He smirked to me. "Is this Cat afraid of water."

Rolling my eyes I sat atop the soft dirt patch next to him, taking off my shoes as well. "Don't even start with that Fox." Seeing the satisfied grin on his face I rolled my eyes and stepped my feet into the water as well. The calm atmosphere beneath the water soothed my attitude, something that I had not thought was necessary at this point in time. 'Course when a renowned surgeon is in another country trusting others to look after her current cases at the hospital while she's away with her movie star boyfriend, such is allowed to be forgotten at the time.

Zoning out, I then looked back to Michael sitting silently by me, surprising me even more. His eyes mirrored the peace, not really being different than what I'd expect, but that gaze was much more than the peace of the lake. It was an ocean current ready to swallow me whole if I dared to step in when my fear of intimacy was at its highest. Here, it was the beach on an early sunrise in spring. No one can be seen and there is a sight too beautiful to miss before you. "Ah, you've got that look in your eyes. It's easy enough to feel at this point Cat, c'mon."

"Y'know why can't I just think you're pretty? Why does it always have to be a look with you?" I asked him with a light laugh, being caught off guard with Mike pulling me in close.

He gave me a smug grin, tilting my hat down cheekily. "Because I can't always let you do all the teasing, can I?" Titling my chin up to kiss me quickly he lifted me up, laughing under his breath suddenly. "Also I'm pretty sure I just saw a leech." I smacked him playfully in annoyance, not helping to laugh along with him as he took my hand to lead me down his path full of memories through the rest of the small nature walk.

A/N Sorry for another filler oops 😂 Love all of you bbs

~Jane Smith 💋

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