Chapter 14: Meet the Foxes

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You know, I've always been the best with parents; as much as I wish I weren't exaggerating. They usually see the smart, pretty girl who is perfect for their son whenever a boyfriend brought me over. That's how I ended up getting dumped a lot in high school, just because I was the perfect girlfriend every parent wanted.

None of the guys wanted the straight A student going to medical school, too much of a goody-two-shoes by their standards. Such, of course, made me more worried over the trip to Vancouver, Canada Michael and I were making soon to see his family. Yeah, yeah. I should be happy that it's that serious but still! It's just something I'm really anxious about, and I have every right to be.

"Cat you do know that we have to get to the airport right now, right?" Mike knocked from my bathroom door, interrupting the conversation I thoughts going through my head as I looked towards my reflection.

"Hey, that's no way to treat a distraught surgeon, you know. I know how to use a knife!" I said and opened the door to meet an innocent Michael.

He laughed at the sight of me and the smile seemed enough to ease me. "Yeah, yeah. I love you too now come on," He said and kissed my cheek before walking out the door. I sighed in content pointed to myself in the mirror.

May the force be with you, Cat. 'Course I was a fan of the '77 Star Wars film, my remaining years of college were built upon trying to live up to the rebel attitude of Leia Organa.

Taking a taxi out to the airport, the time seemed to fly by pretty quickly as we made our way through security and baggage check before taking our seats in our cabin. "See all I remember from when I had flown is that I had thought the turbulence was Godzilla."

Mike laughed over to me, holding my hand along the arm rest. "See, if I had flown out when I was four and not eighteen, I would've thought the same thing," He said and I laughed with him, leaning onto his arm to make myself feel more comfortable for the long trip ahead. He was reading The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien to me the entire plane ride there, the two of us deciding to take turns with our whispered narration or so.

With that voice, he could be reading the most terrible thing ever and I'd still enjoy it.

Seeing as the flight was not as terrible since it was only a three hour duration from LAX to Vancouver, time seemed to drag on swimmingly. Grabbing our carry-on above our heads we soon made our way out to see the swarm of people crowding nearby the escalators. "Hometown boy all famous and grown up, what a story," I tried to joke in order to make light of paparazzi fueling the anxiety I was already having with this whole trip, "Not something we can't tolerate."

Michael smiled and nodded in agreement to hold my hand tightly."Together or not at all right?" I smiled back to him and the two of us walked past the mess of questions coming our way in order to find our way to baggage pick-up. Seeing some fans nearby he went over to sign a few autographs and take photos whilst I grabbed the rest of the things for the two of us before he was back at my side, such of course leading me to realized what was to occur in only a few moments more. "Cat, are you okay? Your hands are sweaty?"

I looked up at him with a nervous grin. "I love you and I'm fine. Okay?"

He just laughed and kissed me softly. "Okay," He said back as we were brought down on the escalator, "And I don't know why you're so nervous? Caitlin I am in love with you and when my parents meet you they'll adore you almost as much as I do."

Sighing in content at his words, I looked ahead to see an older couple held up a sign that said 'Michael and plus one' with small hearts and I couldn't help myself to chuckle at the craftsmanship. "Hope you like your Christmas present now," I joked and looked over at him.

"I do and you're fine," He told me and his grip on my hand grew firmer as the two of us neared his parents.

"Michael!" The two of them cheered and put down the sign to squeeze him tightly. I laughed on the sidelines until the three of them turned to me with wide-grins.

"Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend, Caitlin," Mike said, the smugness practically intoxicating around him at this point.

I extended out my hand until his mom shook her head to me persistently. "Oh no dear, we're more of the hugging type really," She said and gave me a tight hug too, along with his Dad.

"I can't believe you haven't talked about her sooner! Seeing as its serious enough to bring her all the way home," His dad said with a smirk to me.

I like the way this is going...

"You know it was really my idea to take him down here in the first place," I said and Mike made a face to me, only to make me chuckle under my breath at the sight of him.

His mom shot him a look. "Good thing you have a great girl giving you what you need. Should've spoken up about her sooner, she's terrific!" His mom said, already leading the way back to the car I suppose. I shook my head laughing, carrying my bags with me as Mike tucked me under his arm.

"Someone feels a lot better," He said and gave me a smirk.

"Oh shut up will you. I do have a right to be nervous. Besides, gives me an extra boost to impress," I joked and lifted up my head to him.

He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my arm. "Now that sounds more like my Cat," Mike told me as we walked out to the gloomy Vancouver day.

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