Chapter 1: Plans

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Song Selection: Dream by Priscilla Ahn

The tension in the room remained high as everyone silently watched as I continued my practice. The faint sound of the EKG ran in the background as I focused on the small heart that was quite literally in the palm of my hands at the moment. I took the scalpel away then and began suturing up the patient after another successful outcome, those in the O.R. nodding in praise.

Another day that no one dies. A record my fellow colleagues thought foreign until I came along.

As I filed the remaining paper work for the patient, my eyes shifted up to a calendar at the nurses' station. I could only make out the year 1985 on it, not really having much time to dwell on what day it was with what I was doing right now. I passed by the rooms to see all the windows had their curtains covered, making it harder for me to decipher if it was day or night.

Then again when you're at the hospital 24/7 like me, such a cycle doesn't seem to exist

Dr. Wilson saw me walking through the halls and smiled, walking beside me now as well. "Caitlin go home for the rest of the day. We'll page you if anything goes wrong. You need your rest if you want to stay on top," She joked and I laughed.

"As you wish Chief," I said and walked out to the locker rooms to change out of my dark blue scrubs. Clutching to my baggy sweatshirt, I walked over to my car, juxtaposing the entirety of the mess I looked myself from its sleek exterior.

The morning dew reflected off the bright red paint nicely and I smiled to her, tracing my hands on the door handles of the Porsche. Ah, nostalgia practically radiates off of you," I muttered, taking a seat inside to take a breath for a second and shaking away any lack of sleep that still remained.

Though the car was the nicest thing I owned, I didn't prefer the extravagance most people believed I wanted. Kind of the trouble with being important, you always end up being mislead for something you're not. No one ever really knows the real you, just the idea they have of you.


I groaned, still laying with my face planted into the couch. My phone started to ring persisntly and I picked my head up in annoyance, getting up. "Who the hell is calling me!" I angrily yelled to no one and picked up the phone, changing my tone before answering, "Doctor Hall speaking."

"Caitlin! I have some great plans for tonight and I really need you to join me," Megan, the only friend that I kept after primary school and beyond, said in her usual perky tone.

I blame cheerleading in high school for making her like that. Told her not to do it and now it's stuck with her.

"What is it now? Party or double date? Please, I can't go through any of those right now," I said and put a hand over my face tiredly.

"Nope, a premiere! For the new movie that's coming out. Back to the Future? You've seen the previews right?" She asked me.

Oh bless her heart for thinking I have more time than I do.

"Um, Meg when am I ever home? I don't know half the stuff that's going on in the world right now," I told her, "I still don't even know what day it is to be quite honest with you."

I listened to her heave out a sigh. "I know, I know. You're saving lives and all. Cat, just take a break! You need one. Big time! Just come with me to this premiere. They'll probably let you walk down the red carpet and everything! Considering the fact that you're the most famous cardio surgeon right now," She said and I thought of the idea momentarily.

Sleep or premiere. What would it hurt to see a movie? Plus, if it's boring I can go to sleep. It's a win, win.

"I'll pick you up at 7," I told her and she screamed over the phone immediately.

"Oh thank you Cat, we're going to have a blast! You're going to have a blast. I'll see you then," Megan yelled and hung up the phone. I sighed and hung up the phone as well, making a slow return to my couch. I shook my head at my decision, trying to manage a small nap before tonight.

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