Chapter 27: Make Believe

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Song Selection: Only You by Yaz

Perching myself outside of the apartment, the sun began to set just past the buildings. The view was everything you'd romanticized it to be, which made it hard to be tired of it even when seeing it so often. Sipping a glass of wine before opening up a copy of a new book I'd picked up before returning home, the telephone on my beside began to ring incessantly. Sighing over the rudely interrupted peace I'd attained in these small moments, I went over to answer the phone. "Caitlin Hall speaking?"

"Cat, geez you're hard to get a hold of," Megan on the other line said exasperated.

I only laughed at this, laying in bed to chat with her over the line. "I've been busy, sorry. What's the rush anyways?"

She sighed over the line. "Well- Well, I wanted to see how being over there was treating you? How you were doing?"

"It's perfect," I explained, looking out to the window again, "I can't explain to you how it is waking up here every morning. It's an absolute dream."

"Yes, well, it's France. Hard to believe it's anything else." I laughed over this, noticing her falter for a moment. "James says hi of course."

Nodding in reference to her husband over the line, I immediately assumed what was to come next. "Have you heard from Michael? At all."

Having the sweet solitude be ruined by the reality I was continuing to hide away from, I shook my head. "Uh no. No, I haven't spoken to him since I left two months ago." She was silent for a moment to have me frown at the assumptions being made. "I do like it here, Megan."

"I know, Caitlin. Now I've got to get off the phone, I can only leave James alone with my parents for so long before my mother snaps at him for opening the cupboards a certain way. I'll call you soon?"

"Of course, yea. Call you soon." Hanging up the phone again, I recalled her attempt to rekindle something inside me she'd assumed was gone.

It was never gone of course. Why would it ever have left? A love like that doesn't fade easily and I didn't want for it to.

Taking my coat to instead take a stroll through the city, I stuffed my hands into my pockets as I passed through the small markets now closing and restaurants now busying themselves with their late night customers. It was romantic the sight, though Megan was right, why wouldn't it be the stuff of dreams? Finding myself stumbling through to the magazine stand, I noticed a familiar face that seemed to be the topic of my life even outside of the U.S..

New rising stars Jennifer Grey, 26, and Michael J. Fox, 25, seen leaving premiere for Grey's film FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF this last weekend rather intimately. Fox is currently in production for two films set to release next year.

Michael's hair had grown out since I had last seen him, making the day at the airport seem a little more heartbreaking as I recounted the events in my head again. Holding down the magazine for a moment before holding it back up, I continued to play out the encounter between the two of them. The man at the magazine stand only looked to my fiasco confused as I paid for the tabloid before trying to continue on whatever walk I'd made for myself here.

I don't know what I expected. There was no official break up, I just- left. What did I expect? For him to simply pine after me while I thrived on my dreams here without him? It was selfish of me to even assume it. This was for the best.

Michael P.O.V.

James handed me a bottle of beer from the fridge as Megan made her way back over from the phone to look to me frustrated. Confused by this exchange as more people arriving for the small get together at their place, I tried to pay no mind to this. Looking over to see James taking notice of the situation, he raised his bottle to me. "Good luck," He muttered before leaving off to greet the rest of the group.

Turning back down she raised a finger to me. "Why haven't you called her? You said you'd call her?" She asked immediately.

I sighed under my breath over what this was about. "Look- Look, I know she's your best friend, but you gotta understand she likes to be there right now. I'm not stopping her from being happy and neither should you."

Not taking my comment lightly, she folder her arms to me amused. "So you moved on then? Is that what it is?"

I sighed under my breath over the small jab. "God you know I haven't moved on, why would you say that? I'm just stating the facts from what I've seen. She seems happy right now."

She looked past me to James trying to hide himself away from the conversation. Motioning him over to us, he made a small pout to do so anyways. "Is this really necessary-"

She pointed to him expectantly. "Tell him who you think he's seeing now?"

Being rather confused by the attack, he smiled to me nervously. "Well you did look pretty interested in that sister from Ferris Bueller. I kinda just assumed, y'know, you moved on?"

Knowing very well what he was referring to, I laugh this out to see Megan amused. "You're kidding? Jennifer and I are friends, that's all?"

Realizing for a moment what it might've looked like to Caitlin, I put down the bottle immediately. "If you see think that then Caitlin might think that and-" I stopped myself for a moment. "This is dramatic, but I'm gonna go."

The two of them turned to me confused. "Go? Where are you going?"

Grabbing my jacket, I raised my arms out of exaggeration. "To France? Where else would I go?" Considering how rash of a decision I was making, I continued to the car nonetheless to drive back home to pack my things.

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