Chapter 11: 'Tis the Season

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Song Selection: Something About December by Christina Perri

I checked out my chart for five year old Jessica Lin, finding myself observing her vitals closely again tonight after having just finished the surgery a few hours ago. "Merry Christmas Jessica," I told her as I noticed her slowly begin to stir herself awake.

She lifted her heavy eyes to me, laughing lightly despite the pain. "My heart is all better now?" She asked innocently.

I nodded, laughing under my breath at the question. "Consider it a Christmas present," I joked, noticing her parents going up to step beside her and smile up to me graciously.

Her mother enveloped me in a tight hug and I pat her back gently to reciprocate the gesture. "Thank you so much, Dr.Hall." I let go of her with a small smile, giving her a squeeze on the shoulder before leaving them alone to enjoy their moment. I clenched Jessica's chart in my hands tightly to hand back to the nurses station, feeling pleased with myself for a successful outcome during this time of the year especially.

However in the midst of my own personal satisfaction I soon turned my head to see Jodie running towards me from the other side of the hall, stopping my signatures for a moment to eye her. I laughed at her behavior once she came to stand before me, seeing her panting for breath and being unable to get a word in edge-wise. "She's awake now you go on home already. What the hell are you doing here for?"

Jodie stopped panting for a second and looked to me wide-eyed. "I can- I can go home early?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Have a merry Christmas though will you?" I told her, closing up the chart of another patient to hand over to a nurse.

"Oh I will! Thank you!" Jodie soon made her way out the hallway she came through, stopping suddenly to turn back over to me in concern. "Are you going to be here alone?"

I stayed silent and looked at the clock to read 6 p.m. "I guess so." I knew very well after saying this she was going to offer to stay and I shook my head immediately to stop the gesture being made. "Don't worry about me, go home. Enjoy the holiday, I'll be fine."

She nodded. "Michael left a message for you by the way. Have a merry Christmas, Dr. Hall," Jodie said and soon left out the cardio wing just as quickly as she came.

The nurses eyed my sudden enthusiasm at the comment Jodie made and I rushed over to my office, playing the voicemail machine to read out the message from my Fox behind closed doors. "Hey Cat, it's your one and only Fox. Sorry I'm going to be late today. Don't worry, we can still do that Christmas movie marathon. I love you," Mike said and the message stopped short of what I was expecting. I sighed in disappointment and slumped in my chair, playing with the bow I had fashioned on his present.

The sound of the door opening came up ahead of me, having me only be unbothered to whoever was inside as I didn't lift my head up to see. "What is it?" I asked, still playing with the bow with a small frown.

"I'm covering your patients right now, don't worry. You should enjoy Christmas with your Michael," I recognized as the voice of Dr. Wilson.

I sighed in content at the offer. "He's going to be late today doing God knows what," I told her sadly and looked up to her smiling face, "What?"

"Just go outside, alright? Get out of those scrubs first though," She told me secretively and left the room with a smile. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sudden outburst, still doing as I was told and dressing myself with the clothes from my closet.

Fastening my mittens and having my coat close to me as the winter breeze kicked in upon me exiting the warm inside of the hospital itself, I lifted up my beanie to see ahead of me only to gasp under my breath. I dropped my bag in surprise from this, standing there in shock at the sudden event going on before me. "You are absolutely crazy, you know that?" I said with a light laugh.

A trail of twinkle lights made a path to my Fox, having him surrounded by a group of carolers in order to heighten the already festive mood. "Oh I don't think so," Michael said, smiling proudly at his little spectacle, and turned to me, "I think it's the Christmas magic you needed."

He walked over to me and extended his hand out to me. I shook my head to him, slowly reaching over to take his hand. "What are you trying to do Fox?" I asked with a smile.

He shrugged his shoulders with a smug grin and, as if on queue, the carolers started to sing Have Yourselves a Merry Little Christmas. I laughed hysterically at this and took his hand to have him pull me closer to him. "I got your present too you know," Michael said into my ear.

I lifted my head up to look at him shocked. "There's more?!"

He laughed and cupped my cheek. "Well after the romantic dance, yeah."

I smiled and looked down at our moving shoes as the carolers continued to sing. "Guess my tickets to see the Canucks play don't beat this do they," I spoiled, "Even got you another jersey."

Mike smiled happily to kiss me, making us stop dancing for a moment. I let go to have his forehead press against mine and sighed in content. "Now let's head back to my place and have that marathon now shall we?"

The two of us clasped our hands together and Michael started to sprint off, passing the singing carolers to stop in front of a...

Oh now this is just too much.

"You got a freaking carriage and horse for me?" asked, jumping up and down like a child out of pure excitement.

"What can I say." Mike fixed up the collars of my coat, tucking my hair behind my ear whilst smiling to me for a few moments longer. "I know you love Christmas." I smiled and held onto him to lean on his shoulder as we road away in the carriage into the Silent Night.

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