Chapter 3: Pros and Cons

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Song Selection: Just the Girl by The Click Five

Listen, breath, repeat

I said this to myself as the patient's chest remained open below me. I could hear the heart beating at a steady pace finally and decided to close her up soon after. Making my way out of the O.R. room, I grabbed the charts from the Nurses desk to fill in the paperwork for the survey. This of course led for me to glance up to the calendar as I usually did

It's been two weeks since I've been to the premiere. Not like I'm keeping track or anything.

Megan soon stopped making a habit of mentioning it the first few days after, but I couldn't get myself to forget about it as easily as I wanted to.

I just- I don't know why I left.

"Great work again, Dr. Hall. You're going to be here all night again?" Dr. Wilson asked me as I placed the chart back in its holder.

I chuckled at this, knowing it wasn't a serious question. "Aren't I always?" She laughed and walked past me to meet with one of her own patients. I continued walking down the cardio wing to head towards my office, hoping I'd get some sleep before my next surgery if I was lucky enough. The thought alone made me yawn, already looking forward to at least a good 15 minutes nap. I looked up ahead of me to turn the corner to my office, stopping in my tracks suddenly when I came across a familiar figure in the hall.

Well I certainly didn't expect that.

Michael was standing in the middle of all the chaos in the cardio wing, smiling at me so kindly. I looked around to see no one had noticed him just yet and rushed towards him, pulling him aside before they did. "What are you doing here? You have to go!" I told him, shoving my hands in my coat pockets in annoyance.

"Sorry Caitlin, couldn't stay away. Guess I can't stop thinking about you?" He explained to me so cheesily.

Was he really saying this? God men need to learn when to quit.

"I barely know you!" I reminded him, exasperated at this point.

Michael smiled, chuckling. "What do you want to know then Dr. Hall? I'll tell you everything and anything you want to hear."

I rolled my eyes and heaved out a small sigh to look back up to him. "Why are you here? You could be anywhere you want and instead you take the time to find me at my job. So why?"

"Because I think you're special. You're unique-"

"Oh please, come up with something original," I said and shook my head in distaste, thinking I'd hear something better, "I'm going to my office."

I continued walking and was surprised he didn't trail beside me, feeling slightly disappointed at the fact. "You're special and you get surprised at the fact that other people know you exist." I stopped in my tracks and turned to him suddenly. "You avoid the crowd, so you're not one for the attention yet the crowd is drawn to you because of that."

I folded my arms and shook my head to him. "Still not telling me why-"

"Dinner. I wanna take you out to dinner," He said so simply. I sighed and looked down to my tennis shoes to think for a second. That's when I noticed another pair of shoes across from me and looked up to see Michael standing in front of me with a small smile. "I can tell your job means everything to you, which is why I'm just asking for a simple dinner. If you don't like it then we can bid each other farewell." Michael looked down to me with a small smile and shrug. "Just dinner."

Say no and go take your nap. What are you staying for?

I began to weigh out the pros and cons of the situation as much as I could, finding myself with no reason on why this was bad.

Dammit Caitlin you're going to regret if you do something or do nothing. Either way, you're screwed.

I took his hand and took out my pen to write my number. I clicked it back and put it in my pocket when I was finished, winking to him and continuing on my way. "See you around Fox," I said, not turning back to see his reaction.

At this point, what have I got to lose?

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