Chapter 24: If You Leave

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Song Selection: Who's Crying Now by Journey

The office was bare now to have me grow sad at the sight, carrying the last of my things in a small box. Much of the rest of it was bound to be shipped where I was staying the city, only bringing along the essentials with me before I even made the trip out. "Dr. Hall-" I turned over to notice Jodie waiting by the door shyly, holding a small gift in her hands. "It was a pleasure to work with you, I learned a lot."

I smiled to this, putting the stuff down to take her aback by hugging her tightly. "You're going to do great things, alright? I don't doubt it." She nodded out of determination as I couldn't help but laugh at the reaction before locking the door to my office behind me.

"If they're all a bunch of snobs when you visit, you know we'll gladly have you back?" Dr. Wilson offered to me, shaking my hand firmly. "It's been a pleasure, Dr. Hall." I continued to say my farewells to everyone before finally leaving the familiar space back to my car. My flight for Paris was only in a two days or so, leaving me little time to explain to the rest of the people I knew of the rushed decision.

By people I mean- one person.

"Don't tell me- God Caitlin don't tell you're going to do what I think you're doing," Megan said over lunch, the hint of annoyance obvious in her time with me, "if you're going to say it, you might as well just tell the poor boy now."

I sighed over her harsh tone, trying to explain my reasoning with her. "It's not like that, Megan. You know it isn't?"

She shook her head to me. "He's going to run after you, y'know? He won't let you leave just like that, he knows it's because of everything you've got on your plate right now."

I held the cup of water in my hands tightly for a moment to drown at the thought. "I know-"

"You're letting your mom win, y'know."

"Megan that's not the nicest of words to choose at the moment."

"Which means you know I'm right?" I shut my mouth slowly at the statement, deciding to not answer her. "It's not the nicest, but it's better to hear the truth from someone you've trusted for this long." Continuing to run this through my mind, none of what I thought seemed to leave me.

Which then left me to go back home to a rather unknowing Fox.

Michael looked to me rather confused, immediately sending something no ease no doubt as I was practically radiating with it these days. "You heading to a conference? I noticed you took out some bags in the closet when I came home?"

Being surprised by this conversation happening so soon, I cleared my throat awkwardly and set my keys aside. "Mikey, we need to talk." I leaned against the kitchen counter as he continued to look at me confused. "I'm leaving, yes. But it's for a job this time, a job I've wanted for awhile might I add."

He continued to look to me wide-eyed with few words to say. "Oh-"

"It may be only temporary, which is why I'm bringing only the bags-"

"Where is it? The job?"

I frowned to him. "France."

Michael nodded, rubbing his arm tightly. I continued to look to him patiently to wait for some sort of reaction to this. He only softened his form and smiled to me out of praise. "Well if you have some thought you might not stay there, then I suppose that's all there is then. If it were permanent you'd tell me right?"

To have the heart to tell you I'm leaving you? I'd be drowning in your eyes instead, I'd never be able to do it.

I smiled back to envelope him in my arms. "Of course, Mike; of course."

He held onto me tightly, kissing my forehead softly. "You know I'd do anything to make sure you're properly happy, right?" Only nodding into his chest out of guilt, I bunched his t-shirt into my hands for a moment. "I think the world of you and I'd gladly prove it any day of the week."

"I know- I know. I've been rather on edge these days, I'm sorry," I apologized.

Michael tilted my chin up to shake his head. "You don't have to apologize Caitlin, I understand. Just- talk to me if there's something going on when you need to okay?"

I smiled, kissing him briefly. "Of course."


Present, airport

Sighing deeply, I shook my head for a moment. "Megan called you to tell you didn't she?"

He laughed at the comment to look to me confused. "You really think I don't know you well enough to know something doesn't feel right? She did call, but I already had a feeling."

"Michael, I didn't want to do it this way-"

"In what, by running away?" He looked to sympathetically. "I get what happened and why you're feeling this way, Caitlin. What I don't understand is what I did wrong?"

Everything around us felt blurry for a moment as all my attention was now focused on the boy before me. God knows the trouble he was putting himself to get through on time to stop me. Yet here he was, feeling guilty for something that so obviously wasn't his fault. He was perfect, in every sense of the word. Which was exactly what made this all feel less real than it should've been. This isn't some fairytale, and he doesn't deserve my self-destruction.

"You didn't anything wrong. I don't think you're capable of doing any wrong for that matter." I frowned, taking the bag into my hand again. "I'm sorry- I have to go." Continuing to roll down to the boarding station, I felt compelled to turn back to him out of heartache.

But if I turned back now I'd never have the heart to actually leave.

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