Chapter 23: Someplace Else

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Song Selection: Unloveable by The Smiths

I stopped patiently at the loading of the airport, awaiting my flight along with everyone else. "Flight 10A to Paris is now boarding," The speakers rung. Bringing along the carry-on of essential with me while everything else was already being shipped to the flat, I filed into the airport along with the rest of the crowd.

"Caitlin-" I turned back, seeing Michael pushing himself past people. "Why- why are you leaving? You know you're just going to end up staying there, admit it to me."

I didn't know what to say, having thought that leaving him would've been easier if the blow was softened.

I wouldn't have an answer if I told him I was really leaving. Just like I didn't have an answer now.

"I applied to this job before I met you? It's my dream job, Mikey? I have every right to stay there."

"Then I'll leave with you."

"Michael don't be so naïve, your whole career is here."

"And apparently my whole world is boarding a plane to leave me!" I was taken aback by this, not expecting him to care so much as to come chasing after me. "Was this your clever way to break-up with me without actually saying it yourself? Because if it is- Cat, just tell me."

There weren't words to be able to show how much I love him. This now was never about him-

I've simply been struck by reality. None of this was ever real.


5 days before...

The waffles in front of me continued to sit and become soggy from the amount of syrup I had put on them, still struggling to feed myself much of anything. "Oh c'mon Rabbit, you've barely touched much of anything," My father said across from me.

I turned up to see Mike was looking to me silently worried, having just starting to listen on the account that I'd rather not be out these days. Of course to see my father who was rarely open for visits, I had to grow up for the moment. He covered Mike's face for a moment with a small grin. "If it's the A-lister, I can deal with him for you."

Not helping to laugh at this to see Fox cackling a grin too, I shook my head. "It's- It's nothing; just work."

My Dad sat back into his seat once again, the simple answer proving to satisfy him enough for the time being as I attempted another bite into the food. "Well I know you never seem to catch a break these days- Just tell people what you're feeling when you get a bit overwhelmed, okay?"

"I agree," Michael said rather flatly, the two of us eyeing one another for a moment over a conversation that was sure to be had once my Dad was gone.

"I'm always a phone call away you know. The office phone of course if you-" I raised a brow to him as he continued to step around the mention of my other. "Well, it doesn't need to be said."

Noticing the obvious tension being this, Michael decided to clear the air for me. "How is she? Mrs. Hall that is?"

My father gave him a small smile and a nod. "She's just fine."

"Sure she's beaming at what she heard. To find out I've done something wrong finally since I've cut her off."

He shook his head immediately. "She was sympathetic towards everything, you have to understand. She still is your mother, you know." Deciding not to pick a fight over this, I only nodded silently and continued on taking the smallest of bites.

The drive back home proved to be just as tiresome with Michael continuously having a watchful gaze over me. It was embarrassing really, having him watch me be in this depressive state. There was nothing to be done about it besides to get over it, yet you tell that to someone who does nothing but try to make sure you're always smiling-

It's hard to take.

"You going to talk-"

"Stop asking," I interrupted him to say, "you know the answer so I don't see why you continue to ask."

He laughed in disbelief over this. "Because you're worrying me? Caitlin, you haven't gotten any proper sleep, at least since you've been home, you haven't eaten, you haven't spoken to me-" I turned over to see he stopped himself, the light turning red to have him look down for a moment sadly. "You know I wanna help. You know I don't understand this like you do?"

"Which is exactly why I've asked you to keep out of it," I tried to explain again. Sighing deeply, I rubbed my temples for a moment. "This is all my business. I don't need to be reassured right now, it's not what I need."

Slumping back in my seat again, the silence in the car was droned out by a popular song on the radio instead of a quick reply from him. I suppose I was being this way on purpose, seeing as Mikey dearest wasn't the most stubborn of individuals and eventually lets you have it your way.

Except this time which made him all the more frustrating these days.

"Then what do you need?" He decided to ask, having me look down for a moment.

"Space," I shot back rather quickly to have the conversation about my well-being finally come to a halt.

He was everything you wanted, the sly fox- but when you barely can even manage to look at yourself it's harder to look at someone who thinks the world of you.

Michael nodded in agreement to this, continuing to drive back up to the house. Having gone I rushed back into bed to cover myself in a sheet as he did whatever he needed to do for the day. I opened my eyes briefly, looking around to the dark room for a moment.

This wasn't what I envisioned for myself. None of this was supposed to happen for me? I've gone soft haven't I.

Sitting up over the self-depreciating thoughts running through my head, wondering how I could make all of this feel somewhat at peace again. Realizing an easier solution than facing the problem head on, I made myself presentable before grabbing my car keys on the nightstand to head downstairs.

Michael looked to me confused on the couch, putting the book he was reading concerned to eye me leaving. "You headed over to the hospital?"

I held my hand on the door knob for a moment, realizing the one and only con that made the solution all the more difficult. Looking up to see his blue eyes filled with worry at the sight of me panged me more with guilt than ease.

A fool such as I- for putting him through any of this. I hate to say it, but my mother may have been right. What if he deserves better than me?

"Mikey-" Falling short for a moment on the right words to say, he only tilted his head towards me to finish. "Never mind. I've got some calls and paperworks to still finish up that's going to keep me up all-night. I'll- Ill be back, alright?"

He nodded understandingly, though that was what I'd expected for him to do. "Sure Cat just- I'll call to check up, alright?" I smiled in agreement to this before out the door to arrange the call of my transfer out of Los Angeles to be planned.

A/N and now we're on the reason why I actually republished the book in the first place besides editing these two's relationship a bit. if you remember the first plot, this obviously wasn't why she leaves to Paris but, y'know, the original was very over dramatic lol regardless...y'all might be sad these next few chapters teehee
~J.S. 💋

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