Chapter 13: The Emmy's '86

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Song Selection: Maybe I'm Amazed by Paul McCartney and Wings

I bit the end of my pen in deep thought, looking at the scans I had in front of me from one of my fellow classmates from med-school. Tilting my head to gain some more perspective I sighed deeply at my take on it, knowing very well a blockage that size in anyone's heart was bound to cause some serious trouble. Sad thing was the man came in for a benign tumor to be taken out on his lunch.

Sure he's not expecting this.

"Dr. Hall you have a call in your office, I left them on hold," Jodie came in to say.

I nodded, laughing under my breath as I took the scans back with me. "Jodie if it's Michael you can tell me-"

"No, I would, but it's not him," She explained and motioned back towards the rooms, "I'm still staying with your patients for the rest of the night right?"

Confused on who else could be calling I only nodded to her. "I'll check on everyone early tomorrow and if anything goes wrong, do not hesitate to page me," I assured her to have her go on her way and have me head to whoever was calling me during work. Hoping it was my dad I picked up the phone, seating myself comfortably in the recliner. "Dr. Hall speaking?"

"Hello, Dr. Hall this is the Children's Research Hospital of Paris confirming the acceptance of your application just a few months ago. This call is just to inform you your application is currently under review and it is likely the position here could be yours with the amount of credit you are currently gaining in the U.S.," The man on the other line explained to me.

Christ how could I forgot about the application?

"Right, yes, of course, the application-"

"You are still interested in the position here correct, Dr. Hall?"

Thinking to myself for a moment and not having enough time to debate the pros and cons, I simply went along with my pre-Fox plan. "Yes, I am definitely still interested in the position. I look forward to hearing from you again." And with a 'you as well' as a response I hung up the phone, already feeling guilty for my choice of words before looking at the time to see I'd be late to get myself ready for the awards show if I didn't leave soon.

God, I really am an idiot, it's official. I don't know what's real to me or what isn't anymore; it's all such a mess.


Fixing my earrings in the backseat of the driver's car I noticed Michael's bow-tie had gone crooked again and sighed under my breath, reaching over to fix it for him. "You've got to stop fidgeting with it, you know. It doesn't do you any good being nervous; it's just the Emmy's."

"Who said I was nervous?" I raised a brow to him to have him roll his eyes. "I don't like you right now, you know."

"Sure Fox, whatever you say," I told him, tightening my hand around his as the driver pulled to a stop. The bright flashes of light from the photographers were already seeping through the car as Michael led the way out to the red carpet.

He sighed along beside me, the two of us now being berated with comments galore. "Smile and wave," The two of us said simultaneously to one another with gritted teeth before soon doing just that. Seeing the arrangement of directors, producers, and actors alike now having their photos taken Michael went on with me with our hands intertwined to sadly catch more of the photographer's attention.

I smiled up to him as he stood beside me. "We doing the prom pose then?"

Michael laughed down to me, shaking his head. "You really make these fun, you know."

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