Chapter 26: Pictures of You

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Song Selection: Wanderlust by Paul McCartney

Michael P.O.V.

The director called for a break in the longest day it seemed, having me slowly trudge over to a chair to finally sit in peace. It hasn't been long since Caitlin left, but none of us actually saw it coming more or less.

Well, maybe just me.

Megan had called the day after with the holes I'd successfully managed to make her stay. To her surprise, it didn't work, only resorting for her to sympathetically tell me she needed to work this one out on her own and had no way to bring me into her mess.

The explanation made sense, sure, but she wasn't there to see her that day. She wasn't herself and she hadn't been for sometime, yet I still hoped there was something I could do to fix it. Apparently that's made the problem so much.

I leaned back in my seat for a moment, drifting off into thought for what seemed to be the third time today over this. "Hey Michael?" Helen, my costar for the film I was working on this time around with Universal, said to me troubled. "You doing alright? You seem a bit distracted."

Laughing this off, I stood up again. "It's nothing! Just a bit tired I think." My phone started ringing suddenly and she nodded silently to me as I took a short walk with the call. "Michael speaking?"

"You could at least prepare me for when this was all going to go down, would've done it much more silently," My manager said rather straight forward over the phone.

Not knowing what he meant by this, I only nervously joked along with him. "I'm not sure I know what you mean?"

He sighed. "I'll fax the thing to your house then. Didn't think you two could have a falling out anyways, you were so ready to settle down. I had even helped you with picking out the ring-"

I raised my hand as I cut him off over the line. "I know, I know you did." Stopping for a moment once he said this caused for me to grow concerned. "What happened with Caitlin?"

He was silent for a moment, more than likely trying to figure out a way to spare me the details. "Just- Just look at the fax when you're back home. I don't need you thinking about this in the middle of a shoot, it's unprofessional you know."

"Right, you're right." Hanging up with him shortly after, I held the phone in my hands for a moment before turning back to set.

I mean she'd only been gone for three days. What could she have gotten herself caught up into in France?

Locking the door behind me and tossing the keys onto the countertop back home that night, I headed upstairs to the office to find the fax patiently waiting at the machine for me. Taking up the copy of the image of a magazine, I sat back in my seat for a moment surprised.

Cheating rumors have surfaced after images of Caitlin Hall, 23, girlfriend to young Hollywood A-list Michael J. Fox, 25, in France on what seems to be a romantic night on the town with new man. Looks like fans might get the bachelor they've always wanted.

I shook my head to laugh at this. "She- Nah, I don't believe it? It's just another tabloid story." Sitting back again in thought over this, I continuing to shake my head to disprove it. "Definitely don't believe it."

Looking closely towards the picture towards her smile had me ache at the sight, realizing I was wrong for trying to keep her to stay. She was in her dream job and I was hopelessly trying to make her stay with me because I thought I could be enough to make her stay. Tossing the magazine for a moment, I pushed my hair back in thought.

Maybe going to France was what was best for her.

The previous conversation from today had me recall the purchase made with Megan to pick a ring she'd think Caitlin would like the best only a month ago. Taking out the small box from my hand, I spun the small item in my hands for a moment. With what had happened it was bad timing, it was all bad timing.

Now I'm stuck without ever knowing what would've been the answer.

Caitlin P.O.V.

Working by the nurses station for a moment as I flipped through charts suddenly caused for me to jump at the sound of someone leaning beside me. Looking to see it was Jonathan with a rather interested look in my direction caused for me to look to him confused. "Did I miss something? What's wrong?" He lifted a magazine to me to have me take it in his hands slowly. Seeing it was the same tabloid news I'd been used to hearing back in L.A., I sighed under my breath unamused. "Oh."

"You're dating Michael J. Fox? As in Marty McFly as in-"

I laughed at his reaction to cut him off. "Gee, sure you're not dating him?" Not paying much attention to this, I read over the headline to see it involved Jonathan and frowned. "Sorry you got caught up into this."

He waved it off. "It's alright. Sure my wife yelled at me this morning about it, but I'm fairly certain I'm lacking in comparison," He explained to only have me chuckle under my breath over the joke. Wondering what Michael might've been thinking caused me to worry for a moment before handing the magazine back to him. "So- you're both still dating?"

Thinking back to the airport for a moment, the answer to the question seemed rather unclear. "No. No, not anymore." Smiling this off, I took my charts in my hand to head to my office instead. "Sorry again about the trouble." Shutting the door to my office, I paced the floors for a moment about what was to come of this.

What if he gets the wrong idea? I mean, he knows me well enough to not but- you never really know.

A/N ahaha in the feels
~J.S. 💋

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