Chapter 2: Boy Meets Girl

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Song Selection: Jane Doe by Never Shout Never

Dressing formally seemed to be a norm for me, what with attending conferences and such. However that formal consists of only my best pant suits, not a dress.

I picked out a long, wine colored dress I had and allowed for my hair to remain down and relaxed. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, pleased with myself for managing this on such short notice, I grabbed my car keys ready to walk out,

Realizing later that I forgot my heels.

I was finally able to drive over to Megan's house by 6 like I had planned with her previously. She hopped down her steps in a dark blue dress that had a shoulder strap with a giant bow and I chuckled under my breath at her excessiveness before she got into the car.

"Nice dress," She told me.

"Nice bow," I joked with her and she rolled her eyes, yet couldn't help to laugh along. She told me where to go and we managed to get to the theatre an hour later, right when everyone was getting in too thankfully.

I pulled my car up to valet and they took it away just as quickly to leave the two of us now inches away from walking the red carpet. I noticed Megan take a breath before being the first to take the leap and go ahead. She began posing for pictures just as everyone else was, although no one seemed to realize that she wasn't even an actress or star of any sorts. None-the-less they continuously took photos of her and she glowed under the flashes of the cameras. I couldn't help to chuckle and smile on the sidelines, being used to her having the attention when in a crowd.

It wasn't just the dirty blonde hair or her green eyes or even her smile; I think she just knew how to charm a crowd without saying a word. I don't blame them for thinking she was famous.

Now myself, on the other hand, decided to walk right through the flood of cameras that stood before me.!I could hear Megan trying to yell for me to stop but I chose to ignore her words. I was just about to open the doors, pleased with myself for avoiding cameras so easily, when I roughly bumped into someone on the way in. "Oh I'm so sorry," I apologized and looked up quickly to see who I had rushed into. It was in this instance I found myself at a loss for words looking at the pair of eyes above, feeling myself loss at sea from how blue they felt.

"No it's my fault, don't worry," The person reassured me to say and I only nodded in response to open the doors and walk into the theatre, feeling awkward of how I felt in the simple moment.

They're just a gorgeous pair of eyes Caitlin, get a hold of yourself.

I felt something wrap around my hand and I spun on my heels quickly. "Sorry, but are you Dr. Caitlin Hall?" The boy asked.

Apparently people do know me and I didn't even have a clue.

"Yes I am." I couldn't help to chuckle, furrowing my brows. "And who might you be?"

He smiled in relief over this, turning his gaze down to the floor. "My name's Michael Fox." I looked to him confused and shifted my gaze to notice Megan rushing towards me.

"Cat! Why the hell did y-" She stopped in mid sentence when she saw Michael. "YOU'RE MICHAEL J. FOX! Holy crap! I just love you on Family Ties! You're one of the main reasons I wanted to see the movie. I just love your acting."

I looked from her and back to him, not having the slightest clue what she was talking about. Michael smiled graciously and I noticed her cheeks begin to blush. "Thank you, it means a lot to me," He said and they both turned to me suddenly.

"You ready to head in?" Megan asked.

I looked from her and back to Michael, not knowing what I was really doing with my decision. "I'll just meet you inside," I told her. She nodded and walked past me to pass through the doors as I stayed behind.

I looked back to Michael and tilted my head. "So you're the big actor that's in this movie." He nodded with a small smirk and I chuckled, shaking my head in embarrassment. "God I really need to get out more."

"No it's fine. I like that you didn't know who I was," He joked and I couldn't help to laugh along, "Actually that came out weirder than I planned for it to be, sorry." I shook it off and he smiled graciously, leaving me to notice the small fidgeting of his hands. "Would you mind sitting with me? I'd love to get to know you more." I looked him over again, from his tux to those blue eyes, finding myself shock at how fast the situation was progressing for me.

What are you doing Caitlin I thought to myself as I linked my arm around his to have him lead me inside.


The two of us sat down in the crowded theatre and the movie screen turned on soon after. Expecting to take a nap in the midst of the movie itself after a long day, I was pleasantly surprised to have even enjoyed it at all. It was pretty brilliant! Not to mention the fact that Michael and I were whispering to each other and cracking jokes through the movie also, which made me smile and certainly kept me awake enough to forget how tired I was. No one seemed to care for our loud laughter in certain parts, which just made us laugh a bit out of the more. I actually was the first to stop talking and pay attention to the movie itself, however it only left me to feel him looking over to me persistently.

I can't do it. I can't think about any of that stuff now. I have a career to worry about!

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to Michael suddenly. "Could I ask you something? Just for kicks it's nothing serious."

I furrowed my eyebrows, shifting my seat to face him. "Uh, sure. I don't see why not?"

And there was that nervous fidgeting again that sent my heart racing. Don't ask me. Don't ask me we could be great friends instead. "How about I take you out on a date? One that doesn't consist of us spontaneously meeting."

The lights turned on around us in the theatre and I was left to sit there in a panic. I stood up suddenly and shook my head persistently. "I'm sorry, I have to go," I told him and made my way out as quickly as I could.

"Caitlin!" I heard him yell after me and turned to see others moving past him to leave while I slipped away with the sea of people that were flooding out.


"So, how'd it go with you and Michael? He was obviously flirting with you, please tell me you noticed it when he bumped into you?" Megan asked as I continued to focus on the road ahead of me.

"Please let's just drop the conversation, I don't want to talk about it," I told her and she frowned, but started to look out the window instead. I bit my lip in thought, sighing to myself now.

Why did I say I had to go?

After dropping Megan off at her place I was finally back home. I simply threw my keys to have them slide across the kitchen counter and made my way to my room to get some rest, trying to let the memory of tonight fade away.

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