Chapter 17: Family Ties

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Song Selection: You're Lost Little Girl by The Doors

Feeling Michael nearby me I continued sleeping regardless and only groaned at his attempts of trying to get me out of bed. "Cat!" He continued whispering into my ear as I held out my hand, eyes still shut as I blindly searched for his face to push away.

Opening my eyes slightly to adjust to the sunlight now peeking through the windows of Michael's place, I frowned to him as he smiled at the sight of me finally beginning to wake up. "Why are you being so evil?"

He leaned down to kiss the top of my head softly and I only smiled at this as he pushed my hair back for me. "Caitlin it's only 6:30? Thought you were used to waking up at ungodly hours like this," Michael mentioned with a light laugh as I sat myself up in bed.

"Yes well when an attractive Fox is with me, I'd much rather stay in bed and get some much needed sleep," I said, rubbing away at my eyes before Michael stopped me to kiss them softly and kissing me on the lips just as quickly before getting out of bed, "Does that mean we're not staying in bed?"

"I have coffee from the shop down the street ready for you in the kitchen. C'mon Cat, I've been wanting to take you to the studio for ages," Michael mentioned as he leaned against the doorway looking over to me.

Sighing deeply I took the t-shirt he had left out to pull over me before starting to get myself dressed. "Alright but if you weren't working today I'd be sleeping you know," I mentioned as I tucked my hair up whilst grabbing some change of clothes.

He nodded with a wide grin and came up to wrap his arms around me. "I know, I know and that's why I love my little Doc."

I rolled my eyes in distaste over the joke as he began to kiss the crook of my neck. "Oh god, don't let that stick."

"I think it's cute? I mean, you could always make me change my mind," Michael teased with a smug grin before kissing me deeply again in the midst of my fits of laughter.


Stepping out of the cart taking us throughout the various sound stages, Michael and I stepped off hand in hand to allow for me to find myself in the midst of the crew now lining up various equipment for the taping before the live studio audience that was going to be taking place later that day. Laughing at the sight of it all, Mike noticed and smiled to me with a small nudge. "Anything like the operating room?"

"Oh not at all, Fox. Not. At. All," I said in a small daze, looking out to the props being set up through various stage sets.

Noticing a familiar blonde and brunette beginning to make their way over and Michael's deep breath to prepare for the embarrassment that was about to ensue, I only laughed at this and let go of his hand to hug Justine and Tina. "Caitlin it's so great to see you again!" Justine mentioned, the two of us parting for a moment so they could get a look of me.

Tina chuckled, raising a finger over to Michael. "Y'know the only reason he hasn't brought you over is because he knows we'll make a complete fool out of him when he does."

"And I mean could you blame us? He's an easy target."

I laughed along with them at this, Michael pouting childishly to the two of them. "You know you're supposed to act like my siblings on camera, not off."

Justine rolled her eyes at this. "Now then we wouldn't have that great chemistry on the set now would we Mike," She mentioned with a sly grin as her and Tina exchanged a knowing glance, "So when can I tell her about the time you-"

"Oh c'mon, he can never catch a break with you guys," Another blonde came over to say whom I hadn't met before.

Michael smiled immediately to her, letting go of me to greet her with a hug. "Hey Tracy." I was taken aback by this for a moment until he turned back to me to introduce me to her. "Cat this is Tracy. Tracy this is my girlfriend, Caitlin."

Oh c'mon why even be worried, he introduced you as his girlfriend, you're fine.

Tracy lit up at the mention of my name, clasping her hands together. "Dr. Caitlin Hall, right! I've heard about you in the papers, it's a pleasure to meet you."

I laughed under my breath at this and nodded. "Likewise. Nice to know I'm about as famous as any of you guys sometimes, it's a pleasant surprise."

She smiled at this, turning over to Michael for a moment. "You're all prepped for the scene today, right?"

Michael silences himself for a moment and cursed under his breath. "No! That's today?" She nodded solemnly as he sighed deeply and faced me, "Sorry Cat, I should probably go over some things with Tracy. Justine and Tina can keep you company if that's alright with them?"

They nodded along to this and I brushed it off as he cake up to hold me for a moment. "You're fine, Fox. Work is work I get-" I was stopped for a moment once he kissed me, being taken aback by the sudden PDA. He parted with a small smirk and flicked my nose. "I love you?"

"I love you," He said back, leaving off to another side of the studio with Tracy while Tina, Justine, and I stayed behind.

"So who does Tracy play in the show anyways?"

Tina laughed nervously at the question as I looked over to her confused. "Well, she actually plays Michael's girlfriend on the show." Being especially taken aback by the news she raised her hands to stop me and continue. "It's his job to act certain parts like this Caitlin, it's normal. A guy like him is totally used to having to kiss other women in front of a camera."

Justine rolled her eyes at the poor choice of words and smiled to me reassuringly. "What Tina means is that this is all just an act and none of it is real. Besides, Michael never shuts up about you and boasts about you any chance he can get to anybody that'll listen. None of this is serious," She consoles me and I nodded in understanding, paying no mind to the two of them laughing amongst one another with their scripts in either hand.

Jealousy? C'mon Caitlin get a hold of yourself and take the advice. There's nothing for you to even be worrying about...


REAL, michael j. foxWhere stories live. Discover now