Chapter 5: The Story for an Era

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Song Selection: Where We Start by Vance Joy

I woke up to the persistent buzzing of my pager, slowly opening my eyes in distaste at the morning sun. Michael still had his arm draped around me in the heated car and I got up to see the sun high in the sky from the cliffside view of it all. I looked to see it was 8 o'clock and started to panic, cursing myself under my breath. "CRAP! I'm going to be late for rounds!" I yelled, causing for the Fox next to me to groan and get up as well.

"What are you talking about?" He asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes. I pointed to the clock and saw his eyes turn to shock instantly.

Now we're both wide awake...

"Oh my god! I have to be at the studio in 30 minutes!" He yelled and started up the car quickly.

"Yeah and I just got paged by my freaking intern on rounds starting!"

Michael yawned, but still drove as fast as he could. "It'll be fine. I'll drop you off, you'll check on your patients, be a badass, and I'll have time to get to the studio without anything to worry! How's that sound, Cat? I can call you Cat right?" Michael said, turning over to me with a small smirk. I smiled and nodded, knowing very well the only person who even called me that after all was Megan.

I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Michael drove on like a speed racer and I lit up when we were at the front of the hospital. "Thanks Fox," I said and shocked myself when I kissed him quickly as I was on my way out.

I bit my lower lip and smiled. "See you soon," I said and winked to him. He chuckled and I got out of the BMW to go through the glass hospital doors. Brushing off my scrubs I looked at the wide-eyed interns who'd just seen me walk in in a rush. Switching away from my bubbly self after seeing Mike, I looked to them sternly to have them all cower at me.

Now that's more like it!


Everything felt like it was just in the heat of the moment, but it was just too amazing for me to think negatively of it anymore. Was this how it's supposed to feel like? To really let yourself be with someone? Whatever it was I didn't want the feeling to subside anytime soon.

Michael and I went out again the next night. I walked out expectantly to see he was parked outside the hospital waiting for me already and I couldn't help myself to grin widely over to him. I looked down at the dress I decided to put on, surprising myself more and more it seemed. "Dr. Hall is that really you? I almost didn't recognize you from last time!" Michael joked.

I smirked to him. "Glad I'm always giving you surprises then, Fox." I linked arms with him causing for him to laugh at my behavior. "Now c'mon, try to get my attention I just love it when you do."

He nodded, leading the way to his car. "As you wish."

"You act like you've never seen me in a dress before Fox. The premiere," I reminded him and he gave out a childlike laugh.

"Yes, but that was before I actually KNEW you. Besides, I just wanted to have an excuse to compliment you," He said with a small smirked and I couldn't help to laugh and roll my eyes.

What am I going to do with him?

The two of us went out, like a normal date would go with a simple dinner and such. However we aren't even close to normal so don't go jumping to that. After dinner, Mike started to drive around the streets with the windows down and the wind blowing through the car rapidly.

The air ran through my hair, making it more curly than it already was naturally. Michael noticed this and turned to me with a smile on his face. "No offense, but you look like a total mess," He said and I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.

I looked out the window in the midst of my fun, frowning to see my face on a picture. "Stop!" I yelled, standing upright as I eyed the magazine. Mike furrowed his eyebrows and pulled the car over to the magazine stand. I got out of the car and picked up the magazine hurriedly, looking it over.

I knew this was never going to be private, but I just hoped...

"Young Back to the Future actor, Michael J, Fox, was caught dropping off the famous cardio surgeon, Caitlin Hall, at her hospital early yesterday morning... kissing! Is there something going on between them we don't know?"

I sighed and face palmed myself. "They won't ever let your love life be private. There always needs to be news," Mike explained to me.

I only ignored his words, tossing the magazine aside in frustration and throwing the other ones away as well. The owner simply eyed me throwing a fit, Michael doing the same.

This was going to affect me. I just knew it. I knew something was going to go wrong. And here I was, trying to be optimistic. God how foolish can I be?

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