Chapter 25: Handle With Care

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Song Selection: Le Tourbillon De La Vie by Jeanne Moreau

I stopped the Walkman in my hands for a moment, stirring myself awake to notice the view below me. Much of it was covered by clouds, but the unmistakable landmark being visible as we continued to lower ourselves caused for me to smile for a moment. Finding myself in the sea of other passerby's in the airport, I continued to look tirelessly for who was meant to pick me up from the hospital.

A taller man in a casual suit seemed to set himself apart from the shorter taxi drivers as I noticed now intently focusing his attention to me. "Dr. Caitlin Hall?" I nodded silently as he stepped up to introduce himself. "Dr. Johnathan Reed, I'm in the board for the Children's Research Hospital."

I smiled, shaking his hand in return. "Pleasure, Dr. Reed."

He brushed the comment off with a small smile. "You can just call me Johnathan outside of the workplace, don't have to be so formal." I only laughed at the comment to follow along behind him to the car. The driver sat the front, Johnathan now seating himself beside me in the back seat through the drive. "I don't mean to pry, but I've heard about what had happened recently for you. I'm sure you're not used to that much attention for something that is out of your control-"

"It's alright." I turned to him for a moment to try and soften myself. "I've been trying to handle it easily in phases."

He nodded to this as I continued to look outside from the window, watching the rest of society continuing on in their own lives. "It's been awhile since I've been in Paris, you know. My parents took me when I was young but other than that-" I faltered short to the small homesickness beginning to rise, trying to shake it off. "It just feels right to be back."

Johnathan laughed to this, outing the two of us at ease to strike some light conversation. "Well you've got more time than you need to become used to it. Even sick of it for the more mainstream of things."

I shook my head to this out of naivety. "I'd hardly doubt one could be sick of living here. I at least don't want to imagine a thought of it." I turned to see Johnathan softening a smile to the sight of me after my comment. "I didn't mean to come off as rude or-"

"No! Far from it!" He nodded intently. "It's funny, I knew you were obviously brilliant to be in the standing where you are now but- you speak like a daydreamer." I couldn't help to soften at the comment in embarrassment, not soon after noticing the driver pulling into the parking structure of what I assumed to be the hospital.

Once the two of us reached up to my floor for a moment, I stood mouth agape to the sight. "The cardio wing-"

"I'm sure you're aware the responsibilities of being part of the board," Johnathan began to brief me as the two of us walked through the floor, "You're the first expert consultant for any attendees that need further insight, scheduling times are completely run to whatever schedule you'd like, and of course residents and interns at your disposal whenever you need them to be necessary. Sure you'll be settled enough to come to this tomorrow?"

I laughed under my breath for a moment. "It's perfect," I muttered softly, continuing to walk around the floor on my own before turning to Johnathan, "And you're board of-"

"Orthopedics. It's just a floor down from here." I nodded, stepping back to the elevator. "I won't be far if you need me."

"I'm aware. I'll see you tomorrow."


The attendant opened the door to the large apartment complex for me, handing me the key in his hand. He left soon after as I noticed most of my boxes now left surrounding me, waiting to be open. Seeing the box marked handle with care, I only assumed it was my necessities as I had a tendency to label things as cautious even though they were just essential. Opening up the box, I frowned for a moment to mutter out a small oh before taking out the photo frame.

It was Michael and I at Megan's wedding, the two of us looking like the absolute asses we were making ourselves to be then. I frowned for a moment to look away from the photo in regret.

Did I do the wrong thing? No- no I couldn't have.

I set the photo frame up onto the kitchen counter, trying to rummage through the rest of my things with the time I had before a knock sounded at the door rather suddenly. Furrowing my brow I went ahead to open it, seeing Johnathan standing on the other side with a bottle of wine. "Oh-"

"Sorry if this is sudden, I just knew it was your first night here and, y'know, still part of the welcoming community."

I shook my head and brushed off the comment. "No, no it's alright. I haven't had the effort to set anything up but you can come inside if you'd like."

"Oh no, it's alright. Just wanted to give a welcome gift or lack there of."

Nodding my head for a moment, I raised a finger to him. "Are you hungry?"

He looked to me confused. "Well not that much, but I could go for a bite."

"Good! The two of us can have a bite then, c'mon." Licking the door again behind me, I lead him along back outside of the complex to have him try to find us a place to eat for the night.

He sat in front of me rather intently at the café as I continued to drink the tea before me. "Anything I should be warned about you just yet?"

I shook my head to this. "I'm rather boring honestly."

"Oh really, Cat. You lived in Los Angeles? I'm sure there's some sort of story there?"

Cat- he couldn't have said that. Christ I'm beginning to hear things now, that's new.

"Sorry if I was being it rude or anything, we've just heard about it is all."

I turned my attention to him confused. "Oh don't tell me everyone knows?"

He laughed nervously at this. "We only assumes you did is all. You're young and relatively important enough, I wouldn't put it past you to be at a few parties." I sat myself back in my seat for a moment to calm down a bit. Seeing as no one here seemed to know anything of my previous relationship made it feel less real than it was- like I had imagined it or something.

I only continued on with a small laugh. "I'm not at liberty to discuss anything of the sort. Wouldn't be all that mysterious of me if I did anyways." Johnathan only laughed at the joke, the two of us continuing on this friendly way for the rest of the evening.

REAL, michael j. foxWhere stories live. Discover now