Chapter 6: Kindred Spirits

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Song Selection: Dive by Ed Sheeran

I continued eyeing each of the gowns, biting my lip in thought at the amount of eyes that would be on me judging me constantly at the charity event tonight. Not just for the fact that I was a younger surgeon, but the fact that my significant other had to be a current A-list movie star.

Remind me why I decided to date an actor again?

"I still can't believe you're dating Michael J. Fox! Do you know how many people would kill to get the amount of attention he gives you for themselves?" Megan said in exasperation over the phone line as I brought the cord along with me to my room.

I rolled my eyes at the comment, sitting on my bed to briefly give up the indecisiveness. "Trust me, I'm aware. I've already been plastered on most gossip columns because of it," I told her and sighed deeply, shaking my head, "Sucks when you have so much privacy before and now it's just all taken away."

"At least you're happy," She reminded me on the other line sympathetically.

Smiling at the thought of Michael, I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. I'm genuinely happy nowadays, which is a nice change of pace."

Megan chuckled on the other line. "Plus he's Michael J. Fox so, win-win for you in my eyes there Cat."

I rolled my eyes at this, continuing to talk with her about her own social life and drifting the conversation away from a certain Fox. The charity event in question was more for the children's hospital where I worked, trying to find a new cardio wing and renovate the one we had now.

'Course I had to put on a good smile, I'm the chief of the wing after all, but Mike just had to insist on coming along. I mean, it's the best company so why am I complaining?

Brushing off anything that still lingered on the gown, the buzzer of my apartment caused for me to turn with my clutch and out the door to find Mike already waiting for me outside with the driver. I shook my head to him, walking down the steps slowly only to be met with him resting his hands on my waist to greet me. "Bad idea to be going. I'm not going to keep my eyes off of you."

I rolled my eyes at the comment, eyeing down to the tux he dressed himself in. "I'd say the same, but then again it's more fun of me to tease you instead of the other way around." I mocked, bringing him down to give him a quick kiss before he opened the door for me to sit inside. Eyeing him beside me I chuckled under my breath. "You do know you're going to find this to be boring? It's just rich people trying to get other rich people to spend their money. It's how it always goes."

Michael rolled his eyes at the fact. "I'm supporting you, Cat. I could care less about the whole ideal of it all, I wanna just support you and know more of what you do that I can actually comprehend," He explained causing me to laugh, "Besides I'll take as much time with you as I can, you know that right?" I turned to him, smiling innocently to me causing for me to swoon internally at that simple glance he gave me.

God that Fox can have you feel some kind of way with a look like that, let me tell you.

"You're gonna talk about me like that all night there, Mike? Because if you are I just can't stand to be around other people when I just wanna be around you and only you," I said sarcastically, causing for him to push me away playfully, "But really, it's sweet. Just- thanks Fox; for caring that is."

Michael smiled seeing the opportunity to be cliché like he always does to kiss my hand. "You do have a tendency to be such a tease. Why is that?"

I smirked, leaning forward to leave a small space between us to seeing Mike already looking towards my lips. "It keeps Foxes like you on their toes."


Standing around us now in the ballroom we're numerous of donors for the hospital, my chief eyeing me expectantly to make use of the situation and present myself in a presentable manner.

Such proving to be difficult because of someone.

"No, but seriously! They couldn't bother smiling once in awhile, you don't have to be this snarky and pretentious all the time," Michael suggested at our seats in the hall.

I chuckled at this, motioning to a group of older men standing in the corner conceding amongst one another. "All of them have a stick so far up their ass, it's no wonder they're always so posh and straight."

Michael laughed along with me at this, the two of us hiding our laughter as much as we could once noticing others were looking to us with side-eye glances. "This sort of behavior is definitely not becoming of you Miss. Hall," Mike said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"If anything I'll just blame you now won't I, Mr. Fox?" I said and raised a brow to him, the two of us leaving our small bubble once the presentations began and I would now need to fumble for my small notecard prepared.

'Course I stood out there, unphased by all the eyes in the audience there were as I usually did, until a content pair of eyes struck my attention directly. Michael raised two thumbs up childishly and I tried to hide myself from chuckling on the stage from the thought of him.

God this boy is really going to be my demise.

"Our hearts are too full of love and life to be treated as anything less than important. It's only fitting that a child can have the help they need for the one thing that allows for them to live out their lives to the extent they should be met with. Thank you and enjoy your night," I concluded, applause sounded from the audience as I stepped down from the podium and back to my seat casually whilst the rest of the affair continued on.

Michael tugged onto my hand once I sat down, smiling widely to me. "You never cease to amaze me with what you can do there, Hall. My favorite mystery."

I stopped for a moment to admire him like this, seeing the glimmer in his eyes at the very explanation of my success and the support he had for it. I'd never seen a look like that before it was- real.

I suppose that's what I thought it to be anyways.

A/N Will continue re-publishing as soon as I can! Thank you for support everyone much love to you all
~Jane Smith  💋

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