Chapter 18: Baby, it's You

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Song Selection: Sycamore Girl by Rex Orange County

Remaining silent on the drive back to my place, Michael tried to lighten the mood and beamed over to me. "That wasn't so bad?"

Not wanting to make a show of myself, I decided to ignore the fact that the chemistry Michael had with Tracy together and kissing in what was supposed to be an emotional moment for his character didn't bug me in the slightest. "It was great! Everyone's so sweet over there, really."

Turning my attention to the radio now playing a Marvellettes hit, Michael held my hand softly while continuing to drive on the freeway. "Y'know, you can't pretend like the two of us don't understand each other well enough to know when the other is lying. Even though they always seem to do it so beautifully."

I laughed under my breath at this and turned over to him, kissing his hand in mine. "Mike, I'm really fine. But I always love the extra bit of concern." Relaxing for a moment to the tune of the classic 60's track, my mind began to wander over plans we could have for the rest of the night. "Are we still going to catch that film at the theatre tonight? The musical one?"

"Little Shop of Horrors?" I nodded in remembrance of the premiere for it as Michael laughed at my excitement. "Have we peaked in interest then?"

Frowning at the comment, I sat back in my seat as Mike began to regret the choice of words. Noticing a market on the drive, I tugged on his arm insistently to point towards it. "Store. Now, Fox!" Without hesitation he made a quick turn inside as I stepped out the car, grabbing a shopping cart immediately as he only looked to me confused. "C'mon sous chef, we're having ourselves a night-in this time around."

He laughed under his breath at this and began to catch up to me as I already was inside the market in search for whatever I needed. "You're fine with brownies right? There was the cookie recipe I knew way back with macadamia nuts and white chocolate but I don't remember it as well," I asked him as he only looked on interested.

"So- So we're not using the pre-made mix?" I glared to him immediately as he raised his arms defensively. "This is some news to me you know."

"How? I rarely take out when you're over? That's all food I made half the time. You can't count the McDonald's fries of course," I joked along with him.

Considering it was late, the store was empty to allow for the two of us to roam through before the Fox could be spotted by anyone already inside. "You're cooking from scratch then? Off a recipe?" I nodded silently, finding the cocoa powder off the shelf to throw it inside. "Where'd you learn to cook anyways?"

Stopping for a second at the question, I tensed up rather suddenly at the faint and few childhood memories. "My mom taught me." Continuing on regardless, the exchange only caused for Mike to look to me concerned as I began to go through the files of entrees I knew well enough to recreate.

"Surprised you haven't taken me to meet your parents, you know." I only ignored the comment, going on with my shopping before Michael stood in front of the cart to stop me and caused for me to jump back in surprise. "Cat, don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Put something away because you're too afraid to admit it aloud- You can talk to me? You can always talk to me?"

I sighed under my breath, looking down to my foot resting on the edge of the wheels of the cart. "My mom and I don't get along for reasons that really shouldn't be explained in the cereal aisle of a grocery store. Trust me, I'm protecting you by keeping you the hell away from her."

Feeling myself begin to grow overly emotional as Michael looked to me worried, I only began to smile again and pointed over to the check out. "C'mon, let's head home."


"Michael!" The flour still began to make a mess in the kitchen as I began layering the lasagna, my Fox grinning innocently to me with the chef hat I grabbed for him as a joke. "And I thought I was the clumsy one?"

Grabbing some of the flour covering him, he flicked some onto my nose to send me laughing at him. "Now see there Cat is where you're wrong. I am just as much of a clutz but have to keep the cool act to impress you, you know."

I rolled my eyes as I put the lasagna into the oven. "Sure, because I think you're just the coolest Fox out there."

"Hey, I try!" He said insulted before I silenced him again to kiss him softly. The telephone in the other room began to ring suddenly, having Michael groan in disappoint as I smiled.

Giving him another quick kiss, I made my way over soon enough. "It'll just be a minute Romeo, hang on. And don't drop anything else please."

Clearing my throat, I pushed back my hair for a moment as I answered the call casually. "This is Caitlin Hall speaking."

"Yes Dr. Hall, this is the Children's Hospital of Paris calling in regards to your application status." I stopped for a second in surprise, finding myself in a loss for words. "It looks as though we have the position open for you here and would be happy if you joined our ranks."

The news took me by surprise, as I leaned against the wall stunned. "Is that so?"

"Yes? Why, does there seem to be a problem? If money serves to be an issue-"

"No, no, it's not about the money." I stopped for a second on the line, seeing Michael slowly cleaning up the mess he had in the kitchen. "There's just- other things I have to consider before I make a decision."

The member seemed to be quite shocked of my response, clearing their throat nonetheless. "Well, when you've made your decision feel free to contact us. However, Dr. Hall, I do hope you know this isn't going to exactly be waiting for you all of time. I do hope you know this?"

I nodded, smiling at Michael having dropped some of the utensils we were using for the brownie batter. "I understand. Thank you for your time." Hanging up after a few farewells, I still sat back in my position for a moment, surprised even at myself for the decisions I was making.

This was my dream? To live in Paris doing what I love? But-

"Everything okay there Caitlin?"

"I'll be out in a minute."

But a guy like Michael just doesn't come around so easily, right? This was the best decision for me- right?

I stepped out again for a moment, still going through my pros and cons list mentally to have Mike tilt his head to me with a small grin. "Nice thinking face you've got there Doc?"

"We're not doing the Doc thing, we've discussed this," I joked with him and pushed him playfully to put away the rest of the things while dinner cooked.

Yea, I think this was the right choice.

REAL, michael j. foxWhere stories live. Discover now