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"Where am I?" I look around, " Wait, Who am I?" I was sitting on the floor, cuts all over my body.

As I looked around I saw a lot of dead people, including the ones who were turning into some kind of dust.

"Y/N? Y/N, where are you?!" A blonde haired women looked around and when she spotted me, she ran up to me and hugged me, "I am so glad you are okay!"

She gave me a kiss on the lips.

Who is this chick and why is she kissing me?

I pull back and study her, trying to remember; but there was nothing.

I sighed, "Sorry Miss, I don't know who you are... I can't remember anything."

Her eyes widened and filled with tears as she stood up.

She studied me for a few minutes and saw that I really didn't know. She took a shaky breath and tried her best to smile.

"I'm Natasha, your friend."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled.

Why did she kiss me if we were just friends?

"So, what happened here?" I asked.

Natasha turned to me, sadness in her eyes, "We were fighting a war and I think we lost," she then widened her eyes, "That reminds me! I have to find everyone! You can come with me, Y/N."

"Okay, my name is Y/N. Cool. Nice. Okay..." I ramble in my head.

I looked at Natasha as I was following her, admiring everything about the blonde.

"Ugh I cant focus when she's around!" She's too beautiful!"

Eventually we find some people. I introduced myself to them, being nice, but I just got confused looks in response.

I shrugged them off, maybe I knew them.

After a while of walking around, a really good looking guy named Steve and Natasha looked for someone named Vision, but they found his body laying there. I saw the body and didn't do anything... it was almost as if I was used to seeing them.

Steve sighs and puts his head down.

He walks over to me, "Hey-,"

"Hi," I interrupted him with a smile on my face, which made him confused, "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N!"


"Natasha here told me that my name is Y/N. I was just introducing myself!"

"Yeah...uh-," Steve gave me a confused smile and then walked over to Natasha, "What happened to her?" he whispered to her.

"I think she lost her memory," a tear falls out of her eye.


Steve nods.

"Well this is some of the team. The rest disappeared. We should be heading back by now," he explained.

"Okay. Who do I go with?" I asked him.

Steve looked at me, then at Natasha, "Go with Nat."

Natasha glared at him for a second, but then walks over to me and gives me a smile which was easily noticed as a fake one.

You could see her tear stained face. It broke my heart.

Why do I have butterflies in my stomach...?

As I walk with Natasha back to a building, we walk together in an awkward silence. Her head was down as she was walking.

My stomach was exploding with butterflies; and every time I glanced at her, I could feel myself blush.

She's so beautiful...

Should I ask her?




Fuck it.

"Uh, Nat?" she turns to me, "Were we more than friends before this?" I ask.

Everyone freezes and turns to me. I give them confused looks, but they just keep staring back and forth between Nat and I.

"Uh...y-yeah," Nat takes a deep breath and looks me in my eyes, "You're my fiancé."

Suddenly something comes back to me. They looked like pictures- no, memories.

They were Nat and I. Every kiss, every cuddle, every mission, every road trip...Everything.

I start to tear up and I place my hand on her cheek, remembering her, "Cherry?"

I don't know how I forgot her, but I'm so happy I remember now. Nothing else matters.

Her eyes widened and she pulls me in for a kiss, and I happily kiss back.

"I love you Y/N," she hugs me after we pulled back.

"I love you too, Natasha."

Natasha Romanoff x Reader one-shots [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now